Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) participant information on the basis of their annual reports plus details submitted when they registered for the scheme. Each year, CRC participants have to monitor their energy consumption and report this information into the CRC Registry, an online IT system, which calculates their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Participants must purchase and surrender 'allowances' to cover these emissions - one allowance for each tonne of CO2. Further information on the scheme can be found on the CRC pages of GOV.UKThe data should be read in combination with the equivalent years CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme: annual report publication which are located on GOV.UK
The EU ETS data viewer provides access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL) which is the central transaction log. Including data from more than 15000 stationary installations reporting under the EU emission trading system, as well as 1500 aircraft operators.
This file provides a harmonised data for the UK main manufacturing industry based on the NAEI 2020 data, which can be used for analysis and modelling.Since the original NAEI data include sites that do not fall within the definition of manufacturing industry, we created this harmonised data for ease of use. We classified the sectors into: Iron and steel, Chemicals, Cement, Food and drink, Paper, Refining, Lime, Glass, Ceramics, Other minerals, and Other industry. We also converted the 'Easting' and 'Northing' to 'Latitude' and 'Longitude'.
Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom (ECUK) is an annual statistical publication that provides a comprehensive review of energy consumption and changes in efficiency, intensity and output since the 1970s, with particular focus on trends since 2000. ECUK is split into five chapters: (1) Overall energy consumption in the UK; (2) Transport sector energy consumption; (3) Domestic sector energy consumption; (4) Industrial sector energy consumption; (5)Services sector energy consumption. Each chapter contains an Excel workbook and a factsheet summarising key trends and information within that sector. ECUK is split into five chapters:
Chapter 1: Overall energy consumption in the UK
Chapter 2: Transport sector energy consumption
Chapter 3: Domestic sector energy consumption
Chapter 4: Industrial sector energy consumption
Chapter 5: Services sector energy consumption
Each chapter contains an Excel workbook and a factsheet summarising key trends and information within that sector.
The UK's energy use by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories), source (for example, industrial and domestic combustion, aircraft, road transport and so on - around 80 categories) and fuel (for example, anthracite, peat, natural gas and so on - around 20 categories). These data are part of the environmental accounts data set.
The UKs reallocated energy use and energy intensity - the level of usage per unit of economic output, by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories). Reallocated energy consumption is where losses incurred during transformation and distribution are allocated to the final consumer of the energy rather than the electricity generation industry. These data are part of the environmental accounts data set.
The Industrial Emissions Portal covers over 60,000 industrial sites from 65 economic activities across Europe. These activities cover a range of sectors including energy. Data can be browsed in a map of sites, here. Full datasets and guidance documents can be downloaded. Various data analysis tools and visualisations are available.
Database of baseline energy use and emissions for key process industries (iron & steel; chemicals; food & drink manufacture; paper; cement) in the UK industrial sector and opportunities for reducing these (improvement potentials). Total sectoral energy flows (PJ) and emissions (MtCO2e) and sectoral energy flows (PJ/t) and emissions (kgCO2e/t) per unit output. Industrial sectors: Iron & steel; Chemicals; Food & drink manufacture; Paper; Cement The usable energy database (UED) contains baseline energy use and emissions, and opportunities for reducing these (improvement potentials). The project report should be read alongside the UED. The work is currently presented as a Beta version to allow feedback from project partners and other interested parties to be incorporated in a final version. The UED was produced to improve the representation of the UK industrial sector within the whole systems TIMES model developed by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC). Due to the substantial variability in energy use within the industrial sector the approach was to undertake bottom-up studies of subsectors of industry that were important from an energy use and emissions perspective, and to supplement this with information on cross-cutting technologies that could be applied throughout industry. Baseline data variously sourced from: International Steel Statistics Bureau (ISSB); the Confederation of Paper Industries; Mineral Products Association; and others (for a full list of source references see the project report.) Please acknowledge the UKERC Energy Demand theme when making use of this data The data is presented as .xls and .xlsx The final project report is UED_Documentation.pdf
This data set presents the underlying data used to produce the results for the UKERC working paper: Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry or by searching the UKERC Publications section of this website. These data are the outputs of a how the The Net-Zero Industry Pathways (N-ZIP) model results are affected by changing a wider range of inputs than have been previously studied. The Net-Zero Industry Pathways (N-ZIP) model, developed by Element Energy, has been used by both the Climate Change Committee (CCC) and the Government to explore how industry can be decarbonised in way that is consistent with the UKs netzero greenhouse gas (GHG) target. This data set presents the underlying data used to produce the results for the UKERC working paper: Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry or by searching the UKERC Publications section of this website.
Publisher: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Period: 01/01/1970 - 31/12/2049
Rights: Open Access
National and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food and farming. Environment statistics including air quality and emissions statistics, environmental protection expenditure survey, sustainable development indicators,digest of waste and resources statistics; Food statistics including food transport indicators; and Land management and environmental issues. Previous statistical releases are available on the NationalArchives.