Database of baseline energy use and emissions for key process industries (iron & steel; chemicals; food & drink manufacture; paper; cement) in the UK industrial sector and opportunities for reducing these (improvement potentials). Total sectoral energy flows (PJ) and emissions (MtCO2e) and sectoral energy flows (PJ/t) and emissions (kgCO2e/t) per unit output.
Industrial sectors: Iron & steel; Chemicals; Food & drink manufacture; Paper; Cement The usable energy database (UED) contains baseline energy use and emissions, and opportunities for reducing these (improvement potentials). The project report should be read alongside the UED. The work is currently presented as a Beta version to allow feedback from project partners and other interested parties to be incorporated in a final version. The UED was produced to improve the representation of the UK industrial sector within the whole systems TIMES model developed by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC). Due to the substantial variability in energy use within the industrial sector the approach was to undertake bottom-up studies of subsectors of industry that were important from an energy use and emissions perspective, and to supplement this with information on cross-cutting technologies that could be applied throughout industry. Baseline data variously sourced from: International Steel Statistics Bureau (ISSB); the Confederation of Paper Industries; Mineral Products Association; and others (for a full list of source references see the project report.)
Please acknowledge the UKERC Energy Demand theme when making use of this data
The data is presented as .xls and .xlsx
The final project report is UED_Documentation.pdf
UKERC Energy Demand Theme (University of Bath team)
UKERC Energy Demand Theme
No DOI minted
Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):
UKERC Energy Demand Theme (University of Bath team) (2010). Industrial Energy Use (UK) [Data set]. UKERC Energy Demand Theme.
Energy Category
Field Dates:
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010
Data Date Range:
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010
Data type:
Data format:
Number of Units:
Unit Type:
Number of Records:
300 approx
Energy input/output (PJ) Energy input by fuel source (PJ) Useful output (kt of product) Economic value (£GVA = Gross Value Added) Emissions (Mt CO2e) Industrial process breakdown in terms of energy/cost/emissions Sub-sector totals (top/down analysis) References
Open Access
Rights Overview:
This data may be freely used for any purpose
Further information:
Related Dataset(s):
No related datasets
Related Project(s):
No related projects
Related Publications(s):
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The Energy Data Centre works in collaboration with the CEDA Archive to provide this information