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UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Nuclear Fusion

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This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities innuclear fusion - research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.


  • Section 1: An overview which includes a broad characterisation of research activity in the sector and the key research challenges
  • Section 2: An assessment of UK capabilities in relation to wider international activities, in the context of market potential
  • Section 3: Major funding streams and providers of basic research along with a brief commentary
  • Section 4: Major funding streams and providers of applied research along with a brief commentary
  • Section 5: Major funding streams for demonstration activity along with major projects and a brief commentary
  • Section 6: Research infrastructure and other major research assets (e.g. databases, models)
  • Section 7: Research networks, mainly in the UK, but also European networks not covered by the EU Framework Research and Technology Development (RTD) Programmes
  • Section 8: UK participation in energy-related EU Framework Research and Technology Development (RTD) Programmes
  • Section 9: UK participation in wider international initiatives, including those supported by the International Energy Agency

Publication Year:







Warrick, C., O'Brien, M., Ward, D., Nelson, C. and Edwards, C.

Energy Category

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File Size:

449858 B


Open Access

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This data may be freely used for any purpose

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:



UKERC Phase 2

Related Dataset(s):

No related datasets

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