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Heat Infrastructure Development Project - Requirements, Baseline Analysis and Target Setting - September 2017 version

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The primary objective of this project is to identify and then assess innovative solutions thatwould deliver a substantial step change reduction in the capital cost and contribute to overalllifecycle cost reduction of the District Heating distribution system. Whilst focussing on this primary objective, the project will also consider the value of the District Heating Network system to relevant stakeholdersand the possibilities for optimising value and business cases for stakeholders, even where this may result in a slightly smaller cost reduction.

This report sets out the work carried out in Stage 1 of the project, and comprises the following main parts:

  • Part A presents the system and stakeholder requirements which is the output from Work Package 1.
  • Part B presents the technology review which is an output from Work Package 2.
  • Part C presents the methodology used in creating a network cost model and the analysis of network costs which is an output from Work Package 2.
  • Part D presents the system review and target setting which is the output from Work Package 3.
Taken together, these parts assess and synthesise the current baseline practice and costs in the UK and overseas, and relevant technologies and practices from other industries which could potentially be used in future, before identifying key challenge areas for targeting of cost reduction solutions during Stage 2 of the project. Readers may find it useful to study the Summary Report, which summarises the entire project, prior to studying the detailed engineering reports.

Publication Year:





Ross, D.

Energy Categories

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4266085 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report


Energy Storage and Distribution