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Strategic UK CCS Storage Appraisal - Initial Screening and Down-Select

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This is the report for Work Package 3 (WP3) of the project. The objective of WP3 was to deliver a Select Inventory of 20 potential CO2 Storage sites from an Initial Inventory of over 500 sites. In addition a Reserve Inventory of 5 sites was identified as a potential backup. The Initial Inventory was developed primarily from the CO2Stored database. It was augmented with further hydrocarbon fields for which DECC hold production records. Whilst there were over 207 oil and gas fields in the DECC list which were not in CO2Stored, these are almost entirely small satellite fields which had little potential CO2 storage capacity to offer. Five fields of some significance were added to an Initial Inventory which totalled 579 sites.Twenty sites have been selected from 579 for further due diligence.

Key features of the Select Inventory are:

  • Significant overall capacity target of 6.8GT, 
  • Strong balance between saline formations and depleted hydrocarbon fields with good geographic diversity,
  • Strong compliance with IEAGHG screening guidelines and the Project BoD qualifications,
  • Proximal sites to 5/42 and Goldeneye,
  • Strong technical diversity of sites,
  • Deselection of sites with high risk high confidence containment issues.

Publication Year:





James, A., Baines, S. and McCollough, S.

Energy Category

Class Name:

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File Size:

3466721 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report




Carbon Capture and Storage