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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   SP Energy Networks
Department:   None
NIA_SPEN_0036 P A Holistic Intelligent Control System for flexible technologies
NIA_SPEN_0052 P A Substation of the Future
NIA_SPEN_0047 P A Transition to LVDC - Phase 2
SPT2004 P Accelerating Renewable Connections (ARC)
NIA_SPEN0014 P Active Fault Level Management (AFLM)
SPT1004 P Active Network Management with Hydro Generation
NIA_SPEN_0051 P All Terrain Low Ground Pressure Access Vehicle with 34m boom
SPT1002 P Ashton Hayes Smart Village
NIA_SPEN_0043 P Bethesda Home Hub
NIA_SPT_1605 P Cable diagnostics for HVDC cables
SPT1003 P Clyde Gateway
NIA_WWU_071 P DBS:Test, Review, Recommend
NIA_SSEPD_0001 P DISCERN Knowledge Transfer
NIA_SPEN0009 P Data Intelligence for Network Operations (DINO) Phase 1.
NIA_SPT_1506 P Development of a Standard 33kV Damped Harmonic Filter Design
NIA_SPT_1701 P Development of a lone working device, incorporating satellite communications and fall detection.
NIA_SPEN_1801 P Distributed Ledger Technology-enabled Distribution System Operation (Phase 1)
NIA_SPT_1308 P Dynamic Assessment of Wind Generation Synthetic Inertia Contribution to the GB Power System
NIA_SPEN_0037 P Electric Vehicle Uptake Modelling (EV-Up)
NIA_SPT_1301 P Electrical Power Research Institute Programme Engagement
NIA_SPEN_0046 P Enabling Monitoring and Control of Underground Assets
NIA_SPEN0021 P Endbox G38 Level Detection
NIA_SPEN0003 P Enhanced Real-Time Cable Temperature Monitoring
NIA_SPEN0008 P Environmentally Acceptable Wood Pole Pre-treatment Alternatives to Creosote (APPEAL)
SPT2003 P Flexible Networks for a Low Carbon Future
NIA_SPEN_0056 P Flexible Tower Block
SPTEN02 P Future Intelligent Transmission NEtwork SubStation (FITNESS)
NIA_SPT_1306 P HVDC Cable Condition Monitoring System
NIA_CAD0032 P Hydrogen Perceptions, Practices and Possibilities in two UK communities
NIA_SPT_1303 P IEC 61850 Integration of Substation Protection and Control - Test Facility
SPT1001 P Implementation of Real-Time Thermal Ratings
NIA_SPEN_0040 P Improving Storm Resilience and Readiness through Data Analytics
NIA_SPT_1610 P Innovative Approach for Transmission Harmonics Issues
NIA_SPEN0020 P Instrument for the identification of Live and Not Live HV and LV cables
NIA_SPEN0013 P Interoperable LV Automation - Stage 1
NIA_SPT_1604 P Introduction of Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to SF6
NIA_SPT_1307 P Investigation into the development of an MVDC Demonstration Project
NIA_SPEN0011 P LV Elbow Joints
NIA_SPEN_059 P Landslide Protection Asset
NIA_SPEN_0026 P Linkbox Monitoring using Narrow Band IoT
NIA_SPEN0025 P Low Cost Fault Current Measurement of Wooden Poles
NIA_SPT_1309 P Low Frequency Electricity Transmission Technology Evaluation
NIA_SPT_1504 P Managing uncertainty in future load-related investment
NIA_SPT_1501 P Medium Voltage DC (MVDC)
NIA_SPEN0006 P Mini-Mole
NIA_SPT_1507 P Modelling of Static and Dynamic Loads
NIA_SPEN_034 P NCEWS2 Network Constraint Early Warning System (Phase 2)
NIA_SPT_1300 P NIC Proposal Development
NIA_SPEN0016 P Network Constraint Early Warning Systems (NCEWS)
NIA_SPT_1607 P Non-Intrusive Assessment Techniques for Tower Foundations
NIA_SPEN_0042 P Novel Temporary Earthing & Bonding Solutions
NIA_SPEN_55 P On-Site Non-Intrusive Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Tester
NIA_SPEN0019 P Operational Assessment of Composite Poles
SPTEN03 P Phoenix - System Security and Synchronous Compensators
NIA_SPEN0005 P Portable Radiometric Arc Fault Locator (RAFL)
NIA_SPEN_031 P Portable Radiometric Arc Fault Locator using battery powered field deployable equipment (RAFL2)
NIA_SPT_1601 P Power 2 Tower: Stage 1 Energy Harvesting Feasibility
NIA_SPEN_057 P Project Conan
NIA_SPEN_0053 P Project Synthesis – Effective Regional Inertia Monitoring and Automatic Control with a Whole System Approach
NIA_SPEN_0041 P Proof of concept Tarmac Reinstatement Tester
NIA_SPT_1503 P Protection Settings to Cater for the Evolving Transmission Network
NIA_SPEN0015 P Real Time Fault Level Monitoring (RTFLM) - Stage 1
NIA_SPEN_0050 RTFLM Stage 2 P Real Time Fault Level Monitoring Stage 2
NIA_SPT_1608 P Reducing Energy Losses from Transmission Substations
NIA_SPT_1606 P Reuse of Existing Concrete Assets
NIA_SPEN_0045 P SAFE-HD (Spatial Analysis of Future Electric Heat Demand)
NIA_SPEN_1802 P SIARA - System Integrity and Restorative Actions
NIA_SPEN0017 P Secondary Communications Phase 2 - Consultancy Engagement
NIA_SPEN_0029 P Secondary Telecommunications Phase 3 – Trial of Hybrid Telecoms
NIA_SPT_1310 P Shunt Reactor Switching Innovation Study
SPT1006 P Smart Building Potential Within Heavily Utilised Networks
NIA_SPEN0001 P Smart Building Potential Within Heavily Utilised Networks (Re-registered LCNF T1 Project)
NIA_SPT_1304 P Smart Transmission Zone Proposal
NIA_SPEN0004 P Substation Earth Monitor
NIA_SPEN_0038 P System Health Map Phase 1
NIA_SPEN_0039 P THOR Hammer
NIA_SPEN0018 P Technical Review of Non-conventional Statcom Applications
SPT1005 P Temperature Monitoring Windfarm Cable Circuits
NIA_SPEN_0048 P The Chatter Tool
NIA_SPT_1609 P The Planning Data Exchange System between Network Licensees to Enable a Smarter Grid
NIA_SPEN_0035 P Transient Recovery Voltage Investigation
NIA_SPEN_032 P Transition to Dynamic Cable Rating Operation
NIA_SPEN_0028 P Transition to low voltage DC distribution networks – Phase 1
NIA_SPEN_0054 P Transmission OHL Crossing Protection Stage 1
NIA_SPT_1505 P Trial of Open Innovation Model in the Utilities Sector
NIA_SPT_1602 P UAV Platform Development for Automated Asset Condition Diagnosis
NIA_SPEN0002 P Virtual World Asset Management
SPTEN01 P Visualisation of Real Time System Dynamics using Enhanced Monitoring (VISOR)
NIA_SPEN0022 P Weather Normalised Demand Analytics (WANDA)
NIA_SPEN_0049 P iDentify
NIA_SGN0035 O Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aerial Inspection Vehicle
NIC_ESOEN01 O Black Start from Distributed Energy Resources
NIA_SPEN_1801 O Distributed Ledger Technology-enabled Distribution System Operation (Phase 1)
NIA_SPT_1502 O Distributed Photonic Grid Instrumentation
NIA_SGN0138 O East Neuk A Techno Economic Study into the Energy System
NIA_SPEN_0037 O Electric Vehicle Uptake Modelling (EV-Up)
NIA_SPEN_0046 O Enabling Monitoring and Control of Underground Assets
NIA_NGET0105 O Enhanced Weather Modelling for Dynamic Line rating (DLR)
NIA_WWU_068 O Flexible Generation Forecasting
NIA_NPG_015 O Geospatial PV Mapping
NIA_SHET_0008 O HVDC Nanocomposite Insulation
NIA_WPD_008 O Improved Statistical Ratings for Distribution Overhead Lines
NIA_SSEPD_0002 O Locamation SASensor High-Medium Voltage (HMV) Primary Substation Protection
NIA_SSEPD_0026 O Management of plug-in vehicle uptake on distribution networks
NIA_SPEN_0042 O Novel Temporary Earthing & Bonding Solutions
NIA_NGN_142 O Project Concur
NIA_WWU_025 O Project Futurewave - Phase 2 (Digital Prototype)
NIA_NGGD0072 O Project Futurewave - Phase 3 (Pilot)
NIA_NGET0100 O Reactive Power Exchange Application Capability Transfer (REACT)
NIA_SPEN_0050 RTFLM Stage 2 O Real Time Fault Level Monitoring Stage 2
NIA_ENWL003 O Review of Engineering Recommendation P2/6
NIA_SPEN_0045 O SAFE-HD (Spatial Analysis of Future Electric Heat Demand)
NIA_NGET0154 O Smart Grid Forum Work Stream 7
NIA_SPEN_0038 O System Health Map Phase 1
NIA_NGET0088 O Transformer Research Consortium
NIA_SPT_1603 O Trialling Long-Lasting Tower Paints
NIA_SSEPD_0004 O Ultrapole
NIA_NPG_001 O Vonaq Utility Pole Strength Measurement
NIA SPEN0044 I 400kV Dynamic Cable Rating Retrofit Project utilising RPMA Communications Technology
ENA_10025738 I A Holistic Hydrogen Approach to Heavy Duty Transport (H2H)
NIA_SPEN_0036 I A Holistic Intelligent Control System for flexible technologies
NIA_SPEN_0071 I A Holistic Intelligent Control System for flexible technologies (T2)
NIA_SPEN_0052 I A Substation of the Future
NIA_SPEN_0047 I A Transition to LVDC - Phase 2
EP/N002288/1 I Advances Polymer material for Energy Security - POLYMAT
NIA_SPEN_0051 I All Terrain Low Ground Pressure Access Vehicle with 34m boom
EP/W027593/1 I An Adsorption-Compression Cold Thermal Energy Storage System (ACCESS)
EP/W027593/2 I An Adsorption-Compression Cold Thermal Energy Storage System (ACCESS)
WPD_NIA_062 I Approach for Long-term Planning accounting for Carbon Assessment (ALPACA)
ENA_10025653 I Asset Reuse and Recovery Collaboration (ARRC)
NIA_SPEN_0070 I Asset Reuse and Recovery Collaboration (ARRC) - Discovery Continuity
NIA_SPEN_0043 I Bethesda Home Hub
NIA_SSEN_0059 I CageCapture™ ™ SF6 Paint Detection
EP/P001173/1 I Centre for Energy Systems Integration
NIA2_NGET0020 I Co-Simulation
NIA_WWU_2_06 I Consumer Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool
NIA_SPEN_0064 I Cyber Security for Active and Flexible Energy Networks (Cyber-SAFEN)
NIA_SPEN_0067 I Data and Digitalisation - Discovery Continuity
EP/V042955/1 I DecarbonISation PAThways for Cooling and Heating (DISPATCH)
EP/S032053/1 I Decarbonising Transport through Electrification, a Whole System Approach (DTE)
NIA_SSEN_0057 I Decarbonising Utility Transport using Whole System Thinking
ENA_10025639 I Digi-GIFT
NIA_SPEN_1801 I Distributed Ledger Technology-enabled Distribution System Operation (Phase 1)
NIA_SPEN_0062 I DynaLoad – Dynamic loading of transformer insulation
ENA_10025651 I EN-twin-e
EP/X025322/1 I ENSIGN: ENergy System dIGital twiN
EP/L015471/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids
EP/Y03550X/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Green Industrial Futures
EP/S023836/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Northeast Universities (ReNU)
EP/W028727/1 I Electric Fleets with On-site Renewable Energy Sources (EFORES): Data-driven Dynamic Dispatching and Charging under Uncertainties
NIA_SPEN_0037 I Electric Vehicle Uptake Modelling (EV-Up)
NIA_SPEN_0046 I Enabling Monitoring and Control of Underground Assets
WPDEN05 I Equitable Novel Flexibility Exchange (EQUINOX)
ENA_10025660 I Fast Flex
ENA_10025661 I Flexible Heat
NIA_SPEN_0056 I Flexible Tower Block
EP/W027763/1 I GigaWatt-Hour Subsurface Thermal Energy storAge: Engineered structures and legacy Mine shafts: STEaM
EP/P009743/1 I HOME-Offshore: Holistic Operation and Maintenance for Energy from Offshore Wind Farms
NIA_SPEN_0069 I Heat - Discovery Continuation
EP/W003597/1 I High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogen
EP/T023112/1 I INTEGRATE: Integrating seasoNal Thermal storagE with multiple enerGy souRces to decArbonise Thermal Energy
NIA2_NGET0001 I Impedance Scan Methods
NIA_SPEN_0040 I Improving Storm Resilience and Readiness through Data Analytics
EP/V027050/1 I Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC)
NIA2_NGESO023 I Inertia Measurement Method Optimisation
NIA_SPEN_0061 I Innovative Replacement for Underground Substations
NIA_SPEN_0065 I Introduction of Process mining enabler into SP Energy Networks
SPMWEN02 I LV Engine
NIA_SPEN_059 I Landslide Protection Asset
NIA_SPEN_0075 I Landslide Protection Asset (T2)
SPEN 0066 I Level-Up
NIA_SPEN_0026 I Linkbox Monitoring using Narrow Band IoT
EP/T021969/1 I Multi-energy Control of Cyber-Physical Urban Energy Systems (MC2)
EP/I000496/1 I Multiscale Modelling to maximise Demand Side Management (Part 2)
NIA_SPEN_034 I NCEWS2 Network Constraint Early Warning System (Phase 2)
NIA_SSEN_0055 I Net Zero Service Termination Project
NIA_SPEN_0068 I Net Zero Transport - Discovery Continuity
EP/T023031/1 I Network headroom, engineering upgrades and public acceptance (NEUPA): Connecting engineering for heat system change to consumers and citizens
NIA_SPEN_0042 I Novel Temporary Earthing & Bonding Solutions
NIA2_NGET0016 I Novel methods for sealing SF6 leaks 
NIA_SPEN_55 I On-Site Non-Intrusive Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Tester
NIA_SPEN_0079 I PSR Communication Review
NIA_SPEN_031 I Portable Radiometric Arc Fault Locator using battery powered field deployable equipment (RAFL2)
ENA_10025656 I Predict4Resilience
NIA_SPEN_0066 I Predict4Resilience - Discovery Continuity
NIA_SPEN_057 I Project Conan
NIA_SPEN_0074 I Project Conan (T2)
NIA_SPEN_0053 I Project Synthesis – Effective Regional Inertia Monitoring and Automatic Control with a Whole System Approach
NIA_SPEN_0072 I Project Synthesis – Effective Regional Inertia Monitoring and Automatic Control with a Whole System Approach (T2)
NIA_SPEN_0041 I Proof of concept Tarmac Reinstatement Tester
NIA SPEN 0057 I Re-Heat: Enabling Renewable Heat
NIA_SPEN_0050 RTFLM Stage 2 I Real Time Fault Level Monitoring Stage 2
EP/N001893/1 I Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-carbon Energy Systems (RESTLESS)
EP/T021829/1 I Resilient Future Urban Energy Systems Capable of Surviving in Extreme Events (RESCUE)
ENA_10025479 I Resilient and Flexible Multi-Energy Hub Networks for Integrated Green Mobility
NGEN05/V1 I Retrofit Insulated Cross Arms (RICA)
NIA_SPEN_0045 I SAFE-HD (Spatial Analysis of Future Electric Heat Demand)
ENA_10027601 I SCADENT - Super Conductor Applications for Dense Energy Transmission
ENA_10027503 I SEGIL - Sustainable Electrical Gas Insulated Lines
NIA_SPEN_1802 I SIARA - System Integrity and Restorative Actions
NIA_SPEN_0029 I Secondary Telecommunications Phase 3 – Trial of Hybrid Telecoms
NIA_SPEN_0078 I Security of Supply for Vulnerable Consumers (SSVC)
EP/W028573/1 I SiemensEPSRC Digital Twin with Data-Driven Predictive Control: Unlocking Flexibility of Industrial Plants for Supporting a Net Zero Electricity System
EP/S001778/1 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
EP/S001778/2 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
EP/Z533130/1 I Supergen Network Plus in Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy (SuperAIRE)
EP/S032622/1 I Supergen Storage Network Plus 2019
EP/T021985/1 I Sustainable urban power supply through intelligent control and enhanced restoration of AC/DC networks
NIA_SPEN_0038 I System Health Map Phase 1
NIA_SPEN_0039 I THOR Hammer
NIA_SHET_0035 I TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling) Extension
NIA_SPEN_0048 I The Chatter Tool
NIA_SPEN_0035 I Transient Recovery Voltage Investigation
NIA_SPEN_032 I Transition to Dynamic Cable Rating Operation
NIA_SPEN_0028 I Transition to low voltage DC distribution networks – Phase 1
NIA_SPEN_0054 I Transmission OHL Crossing Protection Stage 1
NIA_SPEN_0073 I Transmission OHL Crossing Protection Stage 1 (T2)
EP/S029575/1 I UK Energy Research Centre Phase 4
EP/W003325/1 I UK-Australia Centre in a Secure Internet of Energy: Supporting Electric Vehicle Infrastructure at the "Edge" of the Grid
EP/X038963/1 I UK-HyRES: Hub for Research Challenges in Hydrogen and Alternative Liquid Fuels
ENA_10026595 I Virtual Energy System
NIA_SPEN_0063 I Virtual OHL Inspections: Combining Statutory Inspection & Condition Based Assessment (CBA)
NIA_SPEN_0076 I Vulnerability in the Energy System Transition
EP/K022229/1 I Whole System Impacts and Socio-economics of wide scale PV integration (WISE PV)
NIA_SPEN_030 I Zebedee Sectionaliser Device
NIA_SPEN_0049 I iDentify
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 17 217 234 104,810,406   283,411,390