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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   ETI (Energy Technologies Institute)
Department:   None
ETI-CC2015 P CO2 Capture Technologies Benchmark Refresh
ETI-BI2017 P Carbon Life Cycle Assessment Evidence Analysis
ETI-CC2001 P Next Generation Capture Technology ? Benchmarking and Performance Analysis
ETI-BI2020 P Public Perceptions of Bioenergy
ETI-SS9012 P Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - Market Structures
ETI-CC2014 P Thermal Power Station with CCS scoping
EP/I035773/1 I Adaptation and Resilience In Energy Systems (ARIES)
EP/K036734/1 I Bioenergy value chains: Whole systems analysis and optimisation
EP/L014386/1 I Business, Economics, Planning and Policy for Energy Storage in Low-Carbon Futures
EP/K035967/1 I CO2 injection and storage - Short and long-term behaviour at different spatial scales
EP/K00249X/1 I DEFACTO: Digital Energy Feedback and Control Technology Optimisation
EP/L01517X/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo)
EP/L016818/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications
EP/L015749/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fuel Cells and their Fuels - Clean Power for the 21st Century
EP/G037345/1 I Efficient Power from Fossil Energy and Carbon Capture Technologies (EPFECCT)
EP/K002252/1 I Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids
EP/P023320/1 I Generation Integrated Energy Storage - A Paradigm Shift
EP/M006735/1 I HOTHOUSE: Hot water provision in homes: Consumption, Storage and Lifestyle
EP/K011839/1 I RCUK CENTRE for ENERGY EPIDEMIOLOGY (CEE): the study of energy demand in a population.
EP/L019469/1 I SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub
EP/R001251/1 I Serial Hybrid Kinetic Energy Storage Systems - SHyKESS
EP/K039253/1 I Shipping in Changing Climates.
EP/I019278/1 I Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovative Functional Industrial Coatings - SPECIFIC
EP/K039326/1 I Whole Systems Energy Modelling Consortium (WholeSEM)
EP/P003435/1 I nano-Structured PCM Composites for Compact Space Heating: n-CoSH
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 26 26 769,991   58,979,142