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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Brunel University
Department:   None
AC0405 P Potential for solar energy in food manufacturing, distribution and retailing
FT0589 O A feasibility study on low temperature absorption refrigeration systems for food engineering applications
InnUK/102330/01 O Active refrigeration shelf with thermal storage
InnUK/102256/01 O Adapting Waste Heat Recovery Technologies for Off-Highway Vehicles
FT0595 O Formal based methodologies for the design of stand alone chilled food disply cabinets AFM144
AC0403 O Fostering the development of technologies and practices to reduce the energy inputs into the refrigeration of food
ETI-SS1301 O Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - Data Management and Overall System Architecture
FT1504 O Tri-Generation in the food industry (AFM 196)
InnUK/102077/01 O UNION (Ultrasonic Nuclear InspectiON)
EP/T026782/1 I CCP-WSI+ Collaborative Computational Project on Wave Structure Interaction +
EP/T027061/2 I Modelling surface effects in two-phase fluid processes across scales
EP/N034740/1 I Resilient and Sustainable Biorenewable Systems Engineering Model (ReSBio)
EP/E038875/1 I Thermal Energy Conversion, Conservation and Storage (TECCS) Network
EP/N032861/1 I UK Fluids Network
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 1 13 14 799,713   5,104,386