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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   National Grid plc
Department:   None
NIA2_NGESO025 P 3MD (Market Monitoring Model Development)
NIA_NGSO0033 P 4D Heat
NIA2_NGESO0021 P AI Centre of Excellence
NIA2_NGESO071 P AI Centre of Excellence GB Energy Industry Data Science Fellowship
NIA2_NGESO057 P Alternative Metering (Baselines)
NIA_NGSO0011 P Application of New Computing Technologies and Solution Methodologies in Grid Operations
NIA_NGSO0029 P Applications of convex optimisation to enhance National Grids NOA process
NIA_NGSO0003 P Assessing the stability of small-scale inverter connected PV generation
NIA2_NGESO022 P BC Forecasting
NIA_NGSO0022 P Black Start Capabilities from Non-traditional Technologies
NIA2_NGESO012 P COMMANDER – Coordinated Operational Methodology for Managing and Accessing Network Distributed Energy Resources
NIA2_NGESO027 P Carbon Intensity Modelling
NIA2_NGESO063 P Causal Analysis of Balancing Costs
NIA2_NGESO033 P Co-optimisation of Energy and Frequency-containment services (COEF)
NIA2_NGESO026 P Consumer Building Blocks
NIA_NGSO0032 P Control REACT
NIA2_NGESO032 P Course-correction Dispatch Instructor
ENA_10070764 P Crowdflex - Beta
ENA_10037410 P Crowdflex: Alpha
NIA2_NGESO029 P DER Visibility
NIA_NGSO0031 P DETECTS - Developing Enhanced Techniques to Evaluate Converter-dominated Transmission System Operability
NIA2_NGESO049 P Data-Driven Online Monitoring and Early Warning for GB System Stability (DOME)
NIA2_NGESO043 P Demand Flexibility Service Evaluation
NIA_NGSO0026 P Demonstration of Virtual Synchronous Machine control of a battery system
NIA_NGSO0021 P Development of GB electric vehicle charging profiles
NIA2_NGESO044 P Dispatch Optimiser Transformation (DOT)
NIA2_NGESO047 P Distributed ReStart – Redhouse Live Trial
NIA2_NGESO050 P Enhanced RMS (e-RMS) models for stability assurance
NIA_NGSO0024 P Enhancing Energy Flexibility from Wastewater Catchments through a Whole System Approach
NIA2_NGESO053 P Exploring the Economic Benefits of Co-optimising Procurement of Energy, Response and Reserve
NIA2_NGESO060 P FastOut
NIA_NGSO0013 P Flexibility and Resource Adequacy for System Planning
NIA2_NGESO037 P Forecasting the Risk of Congestion
NIA_NGSO0017 P Frequency Response Auction Trial
NIA2_NGESO039 P Future of the Transmission Network Charging Methodology
NIA2_NGESO048 P GB Inertia Forecasting with Regional Extrapolation
NIA2_NGESO064 P Generative AI Discovery
CNT1002 P Hook Norton Low Carbon Community Smart Grid
NIA_NGSO0019 P Hybrid Grid Forming Converter
NIA2_NGESO036 P Hydrogen Production for Thermal Electricity Constraints Management
NIA_NGSO0030 P Impact of Long-duration Energy Storage Systems on GB Transmission Planning
NIA2_NGESO058 P InterCast
NIA_NGGD0063 P Leyland CNG Filling Station
CNT2002 P Lincolnshire Low Carbon Hub
NIA_NGSO0023 P Mapping the Impacts and Visualization of Risks of extreme weather on system operation (MIVOR)
NIA2_NGESO068 P Market Signals for the Electrification of Heating
NIA2_NGESO041 P Model-driven Strategy for Balancing Optimisation (MSBO)
NIA_NGSO0035 P Optimal Coordination of Active Network Management Schemes and Balancing Services Market
NIA_NGSO0037 P Optimal Outage Planning System
NIA_NGSO0015 P Optimisation of weather data to improve energy forecasting
NIA2_NGESO052 P Oscillation and regional RoCoF monitoring
NIA_NGSO0005 P Phase Lock Loop-Related Improvements to Non-Synchronous Generation Models
CNT1001 P Photovoltaic Impact on Surburban Networks
ENA_10060474 P Powering Wales Renewably
ENA_10078792 P Powering Wales Renewably - Alpha
NIA2_NGESO035 P Practical Transition into wider EMT GB Modelling
NIA_NGSO0036 P Probabilistic planning for stability constraints
NIA2_NGESO045 P RealSim: Real-Time Phasor-EMT Simulations
NIA_NGSO0025 P Residential Response
NIA2_NGES042 P Revamp Interconnector Ramping Arrangements (RIRA)
NIA_NGSO0012 P Risk-Based Analysis into Planning and Resiliency Processes
NIA_NGSO0034 P SHEDD – System HILP Event Demand Disconnection
NIA2_NGESO046 P STARTZ (Stability Requirements Calculation Toward Net-Zero)
ENA_10060460 P Scenarios for Extreme Events
NIA_NGGD0098 P Serviboost Phase 2
NIA2_NGESO031 P Service Provider Capability Mapping
NIA_NGSO0020 P Short-term System Inertia Forecast
NIA_NGSO0010 P Situational Awareness Using Comprehensive Information
NIA_NGSO0028 P Study of Advanced Modelling for Network Planning Under Uncertainty
NIA_NGSO0006 P System Impacts of Embedded Storage (SIES)
NIA_NGSO0014 P System Planning Methods, Tools, and Analytics
NIA_NGSO0027 P Testing Coordinated DSO-ESO Procurement and Dispatch
NIA2_NGESO069 P The Implication for the ESO of 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Trading
NIA2_NGESO004 P Trial on Implementation of Wide Area Monitoring and Control System (WAMCS)
NIA2_NGESO028 P Virtual Energy System – Common Framework Demonstrator
NIA2_NGESO065 P Virtual Energy System: Common Socio-technical Framework Development
NIA2_NGESO061 P VoltaVisor
NIA2_NGESO038 P Whole Energy System Network Planning Review
NIA_NGSO0033 O 4D Heat
NIC_ESOEN01 O Black Start from Distributed Energy Resources
NIA_WWU_068 O Flexible Generation Forecasting
NIA_NGN_162 O Hystart
NIA_NGSO0035 O Optimal Coordination of Active Network Management Schemes and Balancing Services Market
NIA_NGSO0034 O SHEDD – System HILP Event Demand Disconnection
NIA_SHET_0032 O TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling)
NIA2_NGESO025 I 3MD (Market Monitoring Model Development)
NIA_NGSO0033 I 4D Heat
EP/M008320/1 I A Framework for Designing Prognostic Systems
GR/S18915/01 I A Generic Process for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Electricity Supply Industry and Utilities
EP/G049459/1 I A Hybrid Modelling And Evidence-based Fault Diagnosis Approach To Power Transformer Winding Deformation Detection
GR/S86747/01 I A New approach to Partial Discharge Measurements for Testing Electrical Insulation Systems
EP/E03232X/1 I A Wide-Area System for Power Transmission Security Enhancement Using a Process Systems Approach
EP/E032435/1 I A Wide-Area System for Power Transmission Security Enhancement Using a Process Systems Approach
EP/S003088/1 I AGILE - Aggregators as diGital Intermediaries in Local Electricity markets: EPSRC/ESC Follow on Funding
NIA2_NGESO0021 I AI Centre of Excellence
NIA2_NGESO071 I AI Centre of Excellence GB Energy Industry Data Science Fellowship
NIA_WPD_071 I ANM - Balancing Coordination Demonstration (ABCD)
EP/I035773/1 I Adaptation and Resilience In Energy Systems (ARIES)
EP/I035390/1 I Adaptation and Resilience of Coastal Energy Supply
NIA2_NGESO0013 I Advanced Dispatch Optimisation
NIA_NGTO014 I Advanced Line Rating Analysis (ALiRA)
NIA2_NGESO057 I Alternative Metering (Baselines)
NIA_NGSO0011 I Application of New Computing Technologies and Solution Methodologies in Grid Operations
NIA_NGSO0029 I Applications of convex optimisation to enhance National Grids NOA process
EP/V041878/1 I Aquifer thermal energy storage for decarbonisation of heating and cooling: Overcoming technical, economic and societal barriers to UK deployment
NIA_NGSO0003 I Assessing the stability of small-scale inverter connected PV generation
NIA2_NGESO018 I Automated Identification of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations (SSO) Events
NIA_NGET0215 I Automated assessment of steelwork condition using innovative imaging techniques
EP/W028905/1 I Aviation-to-Grid: Grid flexibility through multiscale modelling and integration of power systems with electrified air transport
NIA2_NGESO022 I BC Forecasting
NIA_NGSO0022 I Black Start Capabilities from Non-traditional Technologies
NIC_ESOEN01 I Black Start from Distributed Energy Resources
EP/L014386/1 I Business, Economics, Planning and Policy for Energy Storage in Low-Carbon Futures
NIA_NGTO015 I CSE fault analysis by 3D monitoring
NIA2_NGESO027 I Carbon Intensity Modelling
NIA2_NGESO063 I Causal Analysis of Balancing Costs
EP/P001173/1 I Centre for Energy Systems Integration
EP/E009735/1 I Chair in Power System Engineering
NIA2_NGET0020 I Co-Simulation
NIA2_NGESO033 I Co-optimisation of Energy and Frequency-containment services (COEF)
EP/M016234/1 I Composite dielectric structures with enhanced lifetimes
NIA2_NGESO026 I Consumer Building Blocks
NIA_WWU_2_06 I Consumer Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool
NIA_NGSO0032 I Control REACT
NIA2_NGESO032 I Course-correction Dispatch Instructor
NIA2_NGESO009 I D3 - Data-driven Network Dynamic Representation for Derisking the HVDC and Offshore Wind
EP/T001232/1 I DC networks, power quality and plant reliability
NIA2_NGESO029 I DER Visibility
NIA_NGSO0031 I DETECTS - Developing Enhanced Techniques to Evaluate Converter-dominated Transmission System Operability
NIA_SPEN_0067 I Data and Digitalisation - Discovery Continuity
NIA2_NGESO049 I Data-Driven Online Monitoring and Early Warning for GB System Stability (DOME)
EP/S001905/1 I Data-driven Intelligent Energy Management System for a Micro Grid
EP/W027321/1 I Data-driven exploration of the carbon emissions impact of grid energy storage deployment and dispatch
NIA2_NGESO007 I Decarbonisation of Heat – Integrated Market Study
NIA_NGTO021 I Decarbonisation vision for South Wales
EP/S032053/1 I Decarbonising Transport through Electrification, a Whole System Approach (DTE)
NIA2_NGESO043 I Demand Flexibility Service Evaluation
NIA_NGSO0026 I Demonstration of Virtual Synchronous Machine control of a battery system
EP/J01558X/1 I Developing Fundamental Theory and Enabling Technologies for Parallel Operation of Inverters to Facilitate Large-scale Utilisation of Renewable Energy
EP/K006487/1 I Developing Scalable Smart Grid Infrastructure to Enable Secure Transmission System Control
EP/K02115X/1 I Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Technologies for Flexible Operation of Conventional Power Plants.
NIA_NGSO0021 I Development of GB electric vehicle charging profiles
ENA_10025639 I Digi-GIFT
NIA2_NGESO044 I Dispatch Optimiser Transformation (DOT)
NPG_SIF_002 I Diversified Flexible Queue Management
ENA_10025651 I EN-twin-e
EP/X025322/1 I ENSIGN: ENergy System dIGital twiN
NIA_NGTO007 I EPRI Research Collaboration on Electric Transportation (P18)
NIA_NGTO003 I EPRI Research Collaboration on Overhead Lines (P35) 2018-2021
NIA_NGTO028 I EPRI Research Collaboration on Underground Transmission (P36+ P34 part) 2018 - 2021
EP/L016818/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications
EP/L016095/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment
EP/L015471/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids
EP/L01582X/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems
EP/D078547/1 I EPSRC Star Academic Proposal
NIA_NGTO001 I Electric Road System for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicles
NIA_NGTO009 I Electrical Characterisation of Silicone Oil (ECOSO)
EP/P02369X/1 I Emergency Resource Location-Allocation and Deployment (eROAD) Tool
NIA2_NGESO030 I Enduring Cross-Border Balancing
EP/K002252/1 I Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids
NGETEN03 I Enhanced Frequency Control Capability (EFCC)
EP/D034531/1 I Enhanced Management and Performance for a Sustainable UK Energy Infrastructure
NIA2_NGESO050 I Enhanced RMS (e-RMS) models for stability assurance
EP/K006312/1 I Enhanced Renewable Integration through Flexible Transmission Options (ERIFT)
NIA_NGSO0024 I Enhancing Energy Flexibility from Wastewater Catchments through a Whole System Approach
NIA2_NGESO053 I Exploring the Economic Benefits of Co-optimising Procurement of Energy, Response and Reserve
NIA2_NGESO015 I FIC (Future of Interconnectors)
ENA_10025660 I Fast Flex
NIA2_NGESO060 I FastOut
NIA_NGTO0031 I Feasibility study to unlocking flexibility from within industrial and commercial users.
NIA_NGSO0013 I Flexibility and Resource Adequacy for System Planning
EP/X009459/1 I Flexible design and operation of water resource systems to tackle the triple challenge of climate change, the energy transition, and population growth
NIA2_NGESO037 I Forecasting the Risk of Congestion
EP/V061607/1 I Formulation and Solution Techniques for Integrated Charging Network Design under Risk of Disruption (FAST-ICNET)
NIA_NGSO0017 I Frequency Response Auction Trial
NIA2_NGESO039 I Future of the Transmission Network Charging Methodology
NIA2_NGESO048 I GB Inertia Forecasting with Regional Extrapolation
ENA_10020620 I Gas Networks Interoperable Digital Twin
ENA_10036957 I Gas System of the Future Digital Twin
NIA_NGGT0184 I Gas and ET infrastructure outlook
EP/W008726/1 I GasNetNew - The role of the gas network in a future decarbonised UK
EP/P023320/1 I Generation Integrated Energy Storage - A Paradigm Shift
NIA2_NGESO064 I Generative AI Discovery
EP/L001039/1 I Grid Economics, Planning and Business Models for Smart Electric Mobility
NGET0036 I Grid forming modelling and stability
EP/S000909/1 I Grid-Supportive Power Electronics for Power System Security
EP/S000909/2 I Grid-Supportive Power Electronics for Power System Security
NIA_NGTO018 I Harmonic compliance management
NIA_NGTO026 I Health Monitoring of cables using Acoustic Emission Measurement Techniques
EP/K036211/1 I High Energy And Power Density (HEAPD) Solutions to Large Energy Deficits
NIA_NGTO022 I High Frequency Earthing and its Impact on the Transmission System
EP/P030343/1 I High Voltage Test Systems For Electricity Network Research
EP/W003597/1 I High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogen
EP/W037327/1 I High-Performance Heat-Powered Heat-Pumps (HP3)
NIA_NGSO0019 I Hybrid Grid Forming Converter
EP/T022930/1 I Hydrogen Infrastructure Uncertainty Management for Heat Decarbonisation
EP/X038823/1 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
EP/X038823/2 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
NIA_NGTO020 I IEC 61850 Cyber Resilient Electric Substation Technologies
ENA_10037143 I INCENTIVE – Innovative control and energy storage for ancillary services in offshore wind
NIA_NGSO0030 I Impact of Long-duration Energy Storage Systems on GB Transmission Planning
EP/T013206/1 I Impact on Renewable Energy Sources on Harmonic Levels in the Future UK Power Grid: Modelling, Assessment and Mitigating Solutions
EP/T013206/2 I Impact on Renewable Energy Sources on Harmonic Levels in the Future UK Power Grid: Modelling, Assessment and Mitigating Solutions
NIA2_NGET0001 I Impedance Scan Methods
NIA_NGTO023 I Increasing Transmission Boundary Power Flows using an Active Power Control Unit
NIA2_NGESO023 I Inertia Measurement Method Optimisation
EP/R045518/1 I Integrated Development of Low-Carbon Energy Systems (IDLES): A Whole-System Paradigm for Creating a National Strategy
EP/K002228/1 I Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES)
NIA2_NGESO058 I InterCast
EP/K011847/1 I Interdisciplinary Centre for for Storage, Transformation and Upgrading of Thermal Energy (i-STUTE)
NIA_NGSO0007 I Investigation & Modelling of Fast Frequency Phenomena (“F2P”)
EP/K01496X/1 I Investigation of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage as part of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Renewable Energy Microgrids
EP/P003605/1 I Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE)
NIA_NGTO010 I Liquids for cable sealing ends (LiCaSE)
NIA_NGTO002 I Long Term Stability Testing of Alternative Gases
EP/N017064/1 I MISTRAL: Multi-scale Infrastructure Systems Analytics
NIA_NGSO0023 I Mapping the Impacts and Visualization of Risks of extreme weather on system operation (MIVOR)
NIA2_NGESO068 I Market Signals for the Electrification of Heating
EP/S001492/1 I MaxImiSing flexibility through multi-Scale IntegratiON of energy systems (MISSION)
EP/N005996/1 I Maximising the Carbon Impact of Wind Power
EP/M024652/1 I Measuring and Evaluating Time- and Energy-use Relationships (METER)
EP/Y017471/1 I Micro-scale Co-generation Near-isothermal-Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage
NIA_NGTO006 I Mobile robot for automated identification of failures in HV substations
NIA2_NGESO041 I Model-driven Strategy for Balancing Optimisation (MSBO)
EP/M000141/1 I Multi Vector Energy Distribution System Modelling and Optimisation with Integrated Demand Side Response
ENA_10020383 I Network-DC Circuit Breakers
ENA_10036946 I Network-DC Circuit Breakers
NIA_NGTO032 I Novel O-Ring Designs (NORD)
ENA_10024392 I Nuclear Net Zero Opportunities (N-NZO)
EP/W005212/1 I Ocean-Fuel - Ocean Renewable Energy FuelsRE
NIA_NGSO0035 I Optimal Coordination of Active Network Management Schemes and Balancing Services Market
NIA2_NGESO0011 I Optimal Outage Planning System
NIA_NGSO0037 I Optimal Outage Planning System
NIA_NGSO0015 I Optimisation of weather data to improve energy forecasting
NIA2_NGESO052 I Oscillation and regional RoCoF monitoring
NIA_NGTO030 I Overload Rotation to Increase Capacity of Transmission Boundaries
NIA2_NGESO019 I Peak Demand Forecasting
NIA_NGSO0005 I Phase Lock Loop-Related Improvements to Non-Synchronous Generation Models
NIA_NGET0212 I Positioning ballistic screening on substation sites
EP/F037686/1 I Power Networks Research Academy
NIA2_NGESO035 I Practical Transition into wider EMT GB Modelling
NIA_NGTO013 I Predicting Vibration Fatigue for Overhead Line Conductor Systems
NIA2_NGESO003 I Probabilistic Machine Learning Solution for Dynamic Reserve Setting
NIA2_NGESO017 I Probabilistic planning for stability constraints
NIA_NGSO0036 I Probabilistic planning for stability constraints
NIA2_NGESO008 I Reactive Power Market Design
NIA2_NGESO045 I RealSim: Real-Time Phasor-EMT Simulations
NIA_NGSO0025 I Residential Response
NIA2_NGESO006 I Resilient Electric Vehicle Charging: “REV”
EP/I035757/1 I Resilient Electricity Networks for Great Britain (RESNET)
NGEN05/V1 I Retrofit Insulated Cross Arms (RICA)
NIA2_NGES042 I Revamp Interconnector Ramping Arrangements (RIRA)
NIA_NGSO0012 I Risk-Based Analysis into Planning and Resiliency Processes
NIA2_NGET0002 I Role and value of electrolysers in low-carbon GB energy system
EP/M002845/1 I SCEPTICS: A SystematiC Evaluation Process for Threats to Industrial Control Systems
NIA_NGSO0034 I SHEDD – System HILP Event Demand Disconnection
NIA2_NGESO046 I STARTZ (Stability Requirements Calculation Toward Net-Zero)
GR/S28082/01 I SUPERGEN - Future Network Technologies
EP/E04011X/1 I SUPERGEN 1 Renewal Core - FlexNet: Renewal of the Supergen consortium on Future Network Technologies
EP/L019469/1 I SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub
NIA2_NGESO031 I Service Provider Capability Mapping
NIA_NGSO0020 I Short-term System Inertia Forecast
NIA_NGSO0010 I Situational Awareness Using Comprehensive Information
DT/E005411/1 I Smart Grid Oscillation Management for a Changing Generation Mix
NIA_NGSO0008 I Solar PV Monitoring Phase 3
NIA2_NGESO002 I Solar PV Nowcasting
NIA2_NGESO005 I Stability Market Design
EP/S001778/1 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
EP/S001778/2 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
NIA2_NGESO020 I Strength to Connect
NIA_NGSO0028 I Study of Advanced Modelling for Network Planning Under Uncertainty
EP/Z533130/1 I Supergen Network Plus in Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy (SuperAIRE)
EP/S032622/1 I Supergen Storage Network Plus 2019
EP/I019278/1 I Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovative Functional Industrial Coatings - SPECIFIC
NIA_NGSO0006 I System Impacts of Embedded Storage (SIES)
NIA_NGSO0014 I System Planning Methods, Tools, and Analytics
NIA2_NGET0017 I System value from V2G peak reduction in future scenarios based on strategic transport and energy demand modelling
EP/R023484/1 I System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting
EP/R023484/2 I System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting
NIA_SHET_0035 I TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling) Extension
ES/L005204/1 I TRANSFER: TRading Approaches to Nurturing Sustainable consumption in Fashion and Energy Retail
NIA_NGSO0027 I Testing Coordinated DSO-ESO Procurement and Dispatch
EP/I031650/1 I The Autonomic Power System
NIA_NGTO008 I The FMEA Studies and Risk-based Maintenance for Emerging Power Electronics Assets within GB Power Networks
NIA2_NGESO069 I The Implication for the ESO of 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Trading
NIA2_NGESO010 I The Role for Hydrogen as an Electricity System Asset
NIA_NGTO012 I The application of Parametric Design to automate substation development
EP/R021333/1 I The value of Interconnection in a Changing EU Electricity system
EP/I031707/1 I Transformation of the Top and Tail of Energy Networks
NGET_UKPN_TDI2.0 I Transmission & Distribution Interface 2.0 (TDI 2.0)
NIA2_NGESO004 I Trial on Implementation of Wide Area Monitoring and Control System (WAMCS)
EP/S029575/1 I UK Energy Research Centre Phase 4
EP/I01344X/2 I UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems
EP/I01344X/1 I UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: "Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems"
EP/Y001575/1 I UNIfying Grid-FOllowing And Grid-foRMing Control In Inverter-based Resources (UNIFORM)
EP/J005576/1 I Undermining Infrastructure: Avoiding the Scarcity Trap
NIA_NGTO019 I Unlocking Transmission Transfer Capacity
NIA2_NGESO028 I Virtual Energy System – Common Framework Demonstrator
NIA2_NGESO065 I Virtual Energy System: Common Socio-technical Framework Development
EP/Y005376/1 I Virtual Power Plant with Artificial Intelligence for Resilience and Decarbonisation (VPP-WARD)
NIA_NGSO0004 I Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) Demonstrator
NIA2_NGESO061 I VoltaVisor
NIA_NGTO017 I Voltage source converter based series controlled impedance technology
EP/F029128/1 I WAMS based self-tuning FACTS controllers for improved utilisation of existing power transmission assets
NIA_NGTO016 I WATTS – Weather Analytics for The Transmission System
NIA2_NGESO038 I Whole Energy System Network Planning Review
ENA_10061033 I Whole Energy System Resilience Vulnerability Assessment (WELLNESS)
EP/K022229/1 I Whole System Impacts and Socio-economics of wide scale PV integration (WISE PV)
EP/K039326/1 I Whole Systems Energy Modelling Consortium (WholeSEM)
EP/T022949/1 I Zero-Carbon Emission Integrated Cooling, Heating and Power (ICHP) Networks
EP/K012398/1 I i-BUILD: Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 40 286 326 57,060,484   364,366,368