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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   National Grid ESO
Department:   None
NIA2_NGESO0014 P A Common Framework for a Virtual Energy System
NIA2_NGESO0013 P Advanced Dispatch Optimisation
NIA2_NGESO018 P Automated Identification of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations (SSO) Events
NIC_ESOEN01 P Black Start from Distributed Energy Resources
NIA2_NGESO001 P CrowdFlex
ENA_10027180 P CrowdFlex: Discovery
NIA2_NGESO009 P D3 - Data-driven Network Dynamic Representation for Derisking the HVDC and Offshore Wind
NIA2_NGESO007 P Decarbonisation of Heat – Integrated Market Study
NIA2_NGESO030 P Enduring Cross-Border Balancing
NIA2_NGESO015 P FIC (Future of Interconnectors)
NIA2_NGESO023 P Inertia Measurement Method Optimisation
NIA2_NGESO0011 P Optimal Outage Planning System
NIA2_NGESO019 P Peak Demand Forecasting
NIA2_NGESO003 P Probabilistic Machine Learning Solution for Dynamic Reserve Setting
NIA2_NGESO017 P Probabilistic planning for stability constraints
NIA2_NGESO008 P Reactive Power Market Design
NIA2_NGESO006 P Resilient Electric Vehicle Charging: “REV”
NIA2_NGESO002 P Solar PV Nowcasting
NIA2_NGESO005 P Stability Market Design
NIA2_NGESO020 P Strength to Connect
NIA2_NGESO010 P The Role for Hydrogen as an Electricity System Asset
ENA_10026595 P Virtual Energy System
NIA_WPD_071 O ANM - Balancing Coordination Demonstration (ABCD)
NIA2_NGESO018 O Automated Identification of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations (SSO) Events
NPG_SIF_002 O Diversified Flexible Queue Management
ENA_10036957 O Gas System of the Future Digital Twin
NIA_NGGT0184 O Gas and ET infrastructure outlook
NIA2_NGESO064 O Generative AI Discovery
NGET0036 O Grid forming modelling and stability
ENA_10024879 O INCENTIVE - Innovative Control and Energy Storage for Ancillary Services in Offshore Wind
NIA2_NGET0001 O Impedance Scan Methods
ENA_10020514 O NIMBUS - Network Innovation and Meteorology to Build for Sustainability
NIA2_NGESO003 O Probabilistic Machine Learning Solution for Dynamic Reserve Setting
ENA_10027503 O SEGIL - Sustainable Electrical Gas Insulated Lines
NIA2_NGESO005 O Stability Market Design
NIA_SHET_0035 O TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling) Extension
NIA2_NGESO004 O Trial on Implementation of Wide Area Monitoring and Control System (WAMCS)
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 1 37 38 12,649,806   16,932,128