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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number NPG_NIA_046
Title BESS P28
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies (Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies (Energy storage) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Powergrid
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 November 2023
End Date 30 November 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £220,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NPG_NIA_046
Objectives Methods used to deliver the project include:· Developing representative EHV network models in DIgSILENT PowerFactory to include demand, generation and BESS schemes;· Carrying out steady-steady and dynamic studies to understand voltage fluctuations;· Liaising with BESS developer(s) and manufacturer(s) to understand BESS operation and control methods in order to properly model active power and reactive power flows;· Liaising with the ESO and BESS developer(s) and operator(s) to understand BESS commercial operation;· Liaising with transformer AVC supplier(s) to understand the operation of AVC schemes associated with NPg and NGET transformers in order to properly model their behaviour and the potential interaction with BESS control methods; and· Publishing study reports and presenting the project findings to NPg staff and at relevant ENA working group(s). The project"s scope is to:· Study the effect of BESS connections on the EHV system, and connections to EHV/HV substations;· Critically assess EREC P28 requirements and current DNO policies and procedures;· Recommend methodologies and approaches for assessing voltage fluctuations of BESS taking into account the commercial services BESS currently and in the future may provide;· Examine available BESS reactive power control modes and setpoints and the effect of reactive power on voltage fluctuations and operation of the distribution system; and· Recommend BESS reactive power control modes and setpoint evaluation that could be used to manage voltage fluctuations in accordance with the requirements of EREC P28.To achieve this scope, the project will:· Develop representative power system models at EHV (including EHV/HV substations) that incorporate multiple BESS systems, as well as other sources of generation and demand;· Study the effect off BESS current and future operation on voltage fluctuations with due consideration for co-incident behaviour of multiple BESS connected to the same distribution system;· Consider the operation of BESS current and future operating in fixed power factor, fixed reactive power output and voltage control modes; and any other control modes that emerge as being viable;· Consider the effect of BESS control modes on existing generation and demand customers e.g. stability issues;· Consider the effect of BESS operation providing frequency response services e.g. Dynamic Containment, Dynamic Modulation and Dynamic Regulation, operation in the balancing mechanism and providing arbitrage in the wholesale market. This will include examining BESS ramp rates;· Consider the effect of BESS control modes on NPg systems in particular on transformer AVC schemes (both legacy and new) and the effect on NGET transformers at Grid Supply Points, including examining the effects on circulating currents;· Consider the effect of future fault level reductions and changes to X/R ratios;· Provide a methodology for NPg to carry out realistic simplified assessments of voltage fluctuations associated with BESS connections at the connection design stage;· Provide a methodology for detailed EREC P28 assessments of BESS to be carried out post-acceptance. These should be capable of being carried out by the DNO or the developer (or their consultants), and the results should be able to be critically reviewed by the other party. The methodology will be suitable for presenting to the DCRP EREC P28 workgroup for consideration in future revisions of EREC P28;· Consider recommendationsfor sharing generator and/or BESS technical details between parties where co-incident effects between different systems need to be assessed. Ways of sharing this information without compromising confidentiality need to be examined and recommendations proposed;· Review NPg"s and other DNOs" policies and practices (as informed by the DER Technical Forum BESS Group and/or the DCRP EREC P28 working group). Compare these with the assessment methodologies in EREC P28 e.g. in the application of shape factors that could be applied to ramp changes;· Provide feedback to the DCRP EREC P28 workgroup and DER Technical Forum BESS Group as required relating to EREC P28 issues identified and solutions considered; and· Provide material that can be disseminated to NPg staff and included in updates to NPg policies and procedures as required. The project"s primary objectives are to:· Develop simplified and advance methodologies for assessing the effects of BESS connections and operation on voltage fluctuations on distribution systems operating at EHV or connected at the HV busbars of EHV/HV substations;· Examine optimal active and reactive power control modes and setpoints of BESS taking into account voltage fluctuations associated with BESS operation and the operation of the distribution network;· Provide material that can be disseminated to NPg staff and included in updates to NPg policies and procedures, as required, to facilitate the assessment of voltage fluctuations from BESS connections taking into account active and reactive power flows that are expected to be seen from commercial service operations;· Consider BESS active and reactive power control modes and set points; and· Feedback to the DCRP EREC P28 workgroup on the project findings.
Abstract As more Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are being connected to distribution networks it is becoming apparent that there are weaknesses in the current approaches to assessing the voltage fluctuations they cause. The project will assess EREC P28 Issue 2 and recommend methodologies and approaches for assessing voltage fluctuations caused by BESS taking into account the commercial services BESS provide.

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Added to Database 02/10/24