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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number NIA_WWU_02_44
Title Pathfinder Development
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency (Residential and commercial) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 10%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 90%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Wales and West Utilities
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 February 2024
End Date 30 April 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £66,666
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Wales
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_WWU_02_44
Objectives The approach will be split into three phases, detailed below.Phase 1 - scopingThe approach begins with LCP-Delta developing a specification for the required toolkit working in collaboration with Exeter County Council (ECC) and Wales & West Utilities (WWU). This needs to consider a range of factors including:The required outputs from ECC (and potentially other social housing providers).The resolution and level of detail in the analysis required (for example, whether the tool will be tailored to individual homes or typologies)The availability of data from ECC to drive the tool (and likely level of data from other social housing providers who WWU may wish to work with in the future)The use cases for the tool.The outcome from the scoping stage will be a detailed definition of the requirements of all parties, and identification of the desired MVP requirements.Phase 2 - specification of the toolkitPhase 2 of the work will take the MVP requirements and develop a design for the toolkit which can be reviewed and agreed with ECC and WWU. This phase includes reviewing the capabilities of existing toolkits and methodologies (including the Pathfinder tool and variants) to assess whether these can be used in part or full to meet the needs.The output from this phase will be a short specification document which will form the basis of work in phase 3. Phase 3 toolkit construction and launchThe final phase is to construct the MVP toolkit based on the Phase 2 specification. Work will include:updates with WWU and ECC to describe the progress being made on toolkit development and receive input on key issues identified as they emergeBuilding the toolkit in MS Excel, incorporating / drawing on existing tools and methodologies where possibleDeveloping a simple user interface to enable operation by trained usersTesting and quality assurance of the tool to ensure reliable and correct operation for the desired use casesHandover and initial training.Data QualityAll sources of data used will be assessed for reliability of the data acquisition method used, and bias of the data source to the extent practical. Sources of data that do not meet high standards of reliability and impartiality will be excluded from usage. The data provider, original sourced data location and details about the data acquisition method will be recorded for all data used in an MS Excel spreadsheet. Any outstanding concerns regarding the quality of data sources will additionally be recorded in an MS Excel spreadsheet. All such records will be discussed with WWU during the project with complete documents provided alongside the final deliverables of the project.Measurement QualityLCP-Delta will create a testing process and conduct tests to ensure the toolkit operates correctly. This includes:Testing the response of the outputs to the inputs of the toolkit, including the impact of different housing stock inputs (such as type of property and rural/urban/etc. location). E.g. are they reasonable, do they react as expected to input changes, can they be replicated? Testing the effect of the inputs will not include testing every combination of values for each parameter, but will include testing of each parameter"s values independently, testing of typical sets of values, and testing of corner casesTesting inputs. Can the desired range of inputs be used, are the input requirements clear and unambiguous?Algorithms. Testing algorithms cell by cell to ensure they are correctly referenced, coded, etc.Checking overarching design and structure. Does it follow the specification, is it clear, etc. Checking functionality against the MVP. Does it meet the requirements?A checklist of quality assessment tasks to complete will be kept up-to-date, specific to a released version of the toolkit. A change log will be kept to detail changes made between each released version of the toolkit. Functionality that will not require further change after release will be kept hidden to avoid accidental changes.The project is rated low in the common assessment framework detailed in the ENIP document after assessing the total project value, the progression through the TRL levels, the number of project delivery partners and the high level of data assumptions. No additional peer review is required for this project. The project scope is comprised of the following:Construction of a toolkit in MS Excel which meets an MVP specification. The MVP specification will need to reflect the budget for the project and the potential limitations this imposes on the toolkit development. The use of an agile process to develop the tool. LCP-Delta will iterate the development so that time can be appropriately focused, and the budget managed. LCP-Delta will keep WWU and ECC updated on progress and remining budget so that decisions can be made about further development activity. Working closely with WWU. LCP Delta will be leading the development but with support from WWU. The exact nature and role of this support will be clearly defined at the kick off stage. Error correction. LCP-Delta will provide updates / corrections to errors in the toolkit which were not identified during the testing stage. These must be genuine errors (e.g. faults in calculations) rather than further development activity (e.g. because users want to look at a wider range of input parameters). To construct the MVP toolkit based on the specification as defined in phase 2, including developing a simple user interface to enable operation by trained users. Delivery of the toolkit will also include handover and technical training on its use. Phase 2 will determine whether the existing Pathfinder tool will be developed to deliver the project"s objectives (this is the preferred solution); otherwise, pre-existing tools and methodologies identified and reviewed as part of this phase will be utilised. WWU will be looking to roll out the tool to social housing landlords and local authorities as part of the existing Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) strategy to support the energy system transition.
Abstract Decarbonising heat in buildings is widely recognised as a key challenge in the delivery of net zero carbon emissions in the UK. However, the interactions between various initiatives and measures, including energy efficiency, changing heating systems and wider decarbonisation of supply are complex.A tool is necessary for landlords to easily assess the relative merits of different interventions across their housing portfolio. Some tools already exist which may provide some of the functionality, however existing housing stock tools do not relate the impacts of energy saving measures to the wider energy networks. This project is taking a new approach by developing where possible the Pathfinder modelling environment further to a dispersed housing stock, linking stock analysis and stock performance to the energy system.

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Added to Database 02/10/24