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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number NIA_NGN_423
Title Domestic Hydrogen Safety Controls (HyBreak)
Status Started
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Gas Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 December 2023
End Date 31 October 2025
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £560,133
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Central (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.000%)
Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGN_423
Objectives HyBreak offers an automated solution to monitor domestic/home pressures, monitor flow rates, isolate supplies in case of an emergency and communicate directly with the customer/gas network. The system can be broken down into 2 main sections: integrated monitoring and control unit and central hub. The integrated monitoring and control unit includes; normally closed (fail-safe) actuated ball valve, excess flow control valve (with multiple flow configurations available), , pressure sensors for domestic supply pressure, and a compact control unit to collect signals from pressure sensors and perform analysis, provide operator interaction for manual control, to provide control functionality to the actuator and to communicate with the inhouse central hub; the compact control unit will also have the functionality to integrate additional signals from in-home Hydrogen gas detectors. The unit will be securely locked and only accessible by competent personnel. It is anticipated that this unit will fit between the existing ECV and the customer meter, inside the meter box (if applicable). The prototype will be designed to work for locations with smart metering, pre-payment, and legacy credit meters. The central hub provides communications to the main integrated monitoring and control unit, local display and wireless communications to the customer/gas network or as required. The central hub will also retain historical data (firmware, service visits, incidents/alarms, etc.) This project will investigate numerous bests in class technologies to ensure the best combination of technologies will be implemented, ensuring the optimum technical and commercial solution this approach is not normally available as suppliers will typically opt to integrate their own product/technologies. The product will be designed to be retrofitted to all types of meters and meter enclosure, maximising the similarities and minimising costs for mass production. Further to this, the findings of another project being led by Bohr, the Domestic Hydrogen Detector project, will be incorporated into this project to offer further resilience and functionality for the control valve project, maximising safety, and value for money to all project partners. There may also be opportunities to utilise a secure, but open infrastructure communications solution to minimise the future cost of installing units. By demonstrating the full technical solution, the HSE/DEZNEZ will have valuable, proven solutions to minimise future risk for the introduction of Hydrogen. The solution will be applicable for Natural Gas, Hydrogen and blends and so future upgrade costs will be eliminated. The "platform" approach which will allow the integration of 3rd party sensors in the future will deliver significant immediate and future cost reductions to allow a more digitalised and resilient gas network for no additional cost. Stage 1 - Prototype Development (14-15 Months) Communications interface development Mechanical design development Complete system development & ATEX approval Stage 2 Trials (6-12 Months) Factory testing (at Bohr) of 10 non-certified units, including testing of the comms, pressure sensing, flow shut-off, valve actuation, battery life, customer interfacing, ageing and more. Build and make available 10 fully certified units. Additional units will be available for each network, subject to separate purchase agreement Detailed test plan development and site survey at agreed partner facilities Installation and testing of fully certified units in agreed partner"s facilities; NGN"s Futures Close, Gateshead / Caretaker"s Lodge at Redcar & Cleveland College (5 units) · Cadent"s facility at Whitley or Leicester (1 units) · GNI"s Network Innovation Centre, Dublin (2 units) · NGM Facility, Birmingham (2 units) The scope includes additional integration of signal from in-home Hydrogen gas detectors. Stage 1Communication interface development: Build and test communications platform from readily available 3rd party components. Communication between internal comms (central hub and integrated measurement and control unit) and external comms (central hub and third parties) to be investigated and detailed design completed. Development by Bohr"s software lead with input from each of the gas networks (comms/cyber security team) and the EIC. Mechanical design development: Development by Bohr"s mechanical lead with input from each of the gas networks and the EIC. Complete system development: Develop the solution on a testbed, utilising all the key components (excess flow valve, actuated valve, pneumatic activation, sensors, control/comms). Perform functional testing inhouse. Further develop design into a packaged solution that integrates all the key components in a simple to install product and complete ATEX approval. Development by Bohr"s project delivery team with input from each of the gas networks and the EIC. Stage 2 Factory testing: Inhouse testing of ~10 non-certified units which the gas networks can witness as part of the programme. Development by Bohr"s project delivery team with input from each of the gas networks. Build & supply ATEX approved units: Supply of 10 units for client testing at partner"s facilities. Development by Bohr"s project delivery team with input from each of the gas networks and the EIC. Detailed test plan development and site survey at agreed partner facilities: Development by Bohr"s project delivery team with input from each of the gas networks and the EIC. Installation and testing of fully certified units in partner"s facilities: Development by Bohr"s project delivery team with input from each of the gas networks and the E
Abstract The UK government/Ofgem have commissioned several projects to assess the safe use of hydrogen gas in domestic buildings. It has been noted that a policy decision on conversion to a hydrogen gas network will only be made once the case for safety is established. The current benchmark position is that any future hydrogen system must be as safe as the current natural gas system. The project objective is to develop an automated solution to monitor domestic/home pressures, monitor flow rates, isolate supplies in case of an emergency and communicate directly with the customer/gas network. The scope of the project will include Natural Gas, Hydrogen and Hydrogen Blends. By the end of the project, comprehensive inhouse and field testing will be completed, with a detailed report and third-party certification for ATEX hazardous area approval. Further to this,10 fully certified units will be available for further field trials in different facilities within the UK.

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Added to Database 02/10/24