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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number NIA_CAD0108
Title Air (Oxygen) Ingress in Isolated Installations
Status Started
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal (Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 80%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 20%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cadent Gas
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 June 2024
End Date 31 December 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £280,000
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (99.996%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Eastern (0.001%)
Project Contact , Cadent North London (0.001%)
Project Contact , Cadent North West (0.001%)
Project Contact , Cadent West Midlands (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_CAD0108
Objectives This activity/service involves live/physical testing in laboratory environments, in addition to some desk-studies (literature reviews) and reporting to communicate findings and conclusions.The initial aim of this work is to explore and quantify the phenomenon of air ingress in installations and identify the likely impact on hydrogen appliances and components (in the case of a 100% hydrogen scenario). Mitigation measures/design options are to be investigated and proposed for this phenomenon.The investigation will cover two aspects of the challenge:i. air ingress into a gas installationii. investigation into the potential of light-back from an appliance fed by a flammable mixture.Multiple small-scale test cells will be used to identify the challenge; prior tests have shown that test times can be reduced from weeks to days by using small test cells to investigate and quantify the phenomenon. It will answer the questions of:"What is the minimum pressure required for this to occur?"and• "What are the overarching conditions required for the effect to occur?".Components of each proposed test cell could include:• Small volume test cell with a VQ546MR 100% vol. gas detector• Differential pressure measurement, internal and external, to capture pressure fluctuations• Internal and external temperature measurement to capture potential drivers of pressure fluctuations• Optional fittings can be added to explore components that are vulnerable to this phenomenon, including isolation valvesTests will explore how external environmental factors influence the rate of the effect. They will confirm if the system must be at ambient pressure or if the effect is also seen with the system under pressure. Different gases will be included in the study for comparison, providing relative rates for hydrogen, methane, blends, (and other gases if desired).Key questions to be answered by the air ingress studies are:• What effects dominate this phenomenon?•Can it happen under pressure?•How long does the effect take, and what are the influencing factors?Learnings from this could then be applied to domestic applications (extending to non-domestic and distribution network if appropriate in future phases/projects) to understand if processes, procedures, appliance design etc. need to be changed. These changes could be an adaptation of how tightness tests are carried out, a change to the maximum permitted leak rates, or an automated purge process following a systems isolation.Measurement Quality StatementThe project will utilise appropriately selected sensors of required range and precision for, pressure, temperature, flow, and gas concentration measurements. Other parameters will be measured as required with appropriately sourced equipment. Many of the sensors will be digital sensors which are internally compensated by design. This equipment will be tested and validated in laboratory conditions to a range of externally calibrated pressure gauges and flow controllers. The gas sensors, like many gas detectors, have a tendency to drift, hence the need for regular calibration and bump testing. Steer will span the detectors to 100% fuel gas and 0% regularly normally at the start and end of each test, to ensure accurate gas concentration readings. This will enable the highest possible measurement quality within the budget for the project.Data Quality StatementThe project will ensure that all necessary data is of sufficient quality and readily available to meet the objectives. Duplicate sensors will be installed where appropriate, and regular cross calibration will be used throughout. Environmental conditions will be monitored, and real-time indication of logged data will ensure any errors in sensing and logging equipment can be quickly corrected. Once recorded, the data is logged and stored by Steer in the form of raw and calibrated data. This enables traceability from raw data measurements to calibrate individual logs including management of multiple data streams on individual data loggers.Risk Assessment ScoringThe project does not involve the development of a specific product and so there is no TRL change associated with the project (Score 1). The external project cost is <£500k (Score 1) and is being delivered by only two external suppliers (Score 1).In terms of the data, some general assumptions are already known, however, some need to be explored and validated within the project. Therefore, a higher risk score is attributed to this area (Score 3) given the scope and nature of the project.The assessed risk score is therefore 6 (Low) which allows the project to be governed by an internal assurance approach as set out in NIA Governance and ENIP. The scope of works is aimed to investigate all potential factors (including temperature, pressure, time, pipework integrity, connected appliances etc.) for each fuel type of natural gas, 100% hydrogen, and also blends.The initial phase will focus on domestic installations. However, depending on the findings of this initial phase, the project/scope can be extended to investigate non-domestic and/or network considerations.The proposed tests will be in controlled laboratory environments, however, will be representative of a typical downstream gas installation in a domestic property.A scoping document was prepared and circulated by Steer Energy to the gas network operators. This was collated into a programme work pack and circulated by Cadent.The phenomenon of air ingress, or oxygen entrainment, has also been independently noted, and elements of this are being investigated in a separate/preliminary scope of work by Kiwa Energy for SGN, ahead of the H100 project.The scope of work for this project (primarily with Steer but supported by Enertek) aims to understand what causes air ingress in domestic installations and to understand the likelihood of ignition in domestic installations after ingress has happened. This is to inform the HSE"s upcoming CFA review. A full scope of this Phase 1 work is provided below.Phase 1 of the Steer work has been split into 6 work packages, as follows:1.Literature review and anecdotal evidence2.Small scale experimental tests3.Installation, appliances and ECV tests4.Ignition consequences5.Potential of appliance ignition6.Project management, reporting, and disseminationEnertek will also be providing additional support via the use of:•Hydrogen appliances•A climatic chamber (to facilitate temperature effects)•CFD modelling (to support/corroborate with real experimental results) The ultimate objectives of this project are to establish a sound understanding of the air ingress mechanism and recommend some appropriate mitigation measures (if required) supported by robust evidence generated via the experimental testing programme. This is to be done in the quickest time possible (within reason), with the context of the HSE"s CFA timelines.It is acknowledged that any preliminary findings in the early tests may inform or influence the direction or importance of future tests. This flexibility has been agreed with the technical suppliers and accepted by all parties as a pragmatic approach, given the context and nature of the investigative project.The key deliverables of this work are an interim (pre-CFA) and final (mid-CFA) report covering Phase 1 of the project which provide documented evidence of the causes and effects of air ingress into isolated domestic gas systems.The interim report will include:• Literature reviews on the phenomenon, including anecdotal evidence from a range of sources such as appliance manufacturers, gas network operators and installers.• Details of testing carried out to demonstrate the phenomenon of air ingress and parameters influencing the effect. Identification of whether de-blending is occurring during this process.• A summary of domestic fixtures, fittings and appliances that may contribute to air ingress in domestic systems.• Details of overpressures generated in domestic pipework containing air/fuel mixtures for hydrogen, methane and blends.• A summary of any appliances seen to cause light-back when operated with air/fuel mixtures.The final report will also include:• Full details of domestic fixtures, fittings and appliances that may contribute to air ingress in domestic systems.• Full details of the appliance light-back tests, giving devices susceptible and conditions where this could happen.• Relevant standards will be reviewed, and mitigation measures will be proposed to prevent air ingress and subsequent light-back in domestic systems.Fortnightly update meetings will be held with the project review panel. Regular liaison is also expected with the hydrogen QRA team.
Abstract This project will help to inform the GDNs, and wider industry on the mechanism for potential air ingress into gas-conveying downstream pipework, particularly during periods of isolation (e.g., if a consumer manually shuts their ECV before then going on holiday for a number of weeks). The work will investigate the phenomena/behaviour for pure natural gas, hydrogen blends (20%), and pure hydrogen - to inform a holistic view for all gas scenarios.The findings will help enable any proactive mitigation measures to be considered and/or implemented in future, to help maximise the safety of consumers in any future scenario and engineer-out any possible risks.The work is supported by all 4 GDNs, and will collaborate with, and leverage, a preliminary project led by SGN.

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Added to Database 02/10/24