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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number NIA2_NGESO052
Title Oscillation and regional RoCoF monitoring
Status Started
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies (Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid plc
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 February 2024
End Date 28 February 2026
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £295,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid plc (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_NGESO052
Objectives This project aims to provide insights into two significant operational challenges for which the ESO currently does not own or have detailed data access to address effectively. This data gap hinders informed decision-making regarding appropriate mitigation actions. The project will provide ongoing analysis and monitoring over a two-year period, providing the ESO with core frequency dynamic performance data and high-resolution data from Reactive Technologies XMU"s to provide additional insights into how the power system is operating. The monitoring will use existing XMU devices across Great Britain. This project will consist of the following Work Packages (WPs) as listed below:WP1: RoCoF event monitoring and reportingThe project will analyse data from large RoCoF events on the transmission system and study the impact on regional frequency. It will estimate the occurrence of distributed generation RoCoF trips. This will allow the ESO to understand the risk of LoMP tripping at a regional level, which in turn will help understand the system"s behaviour as a whole and assess the risk from residual un-changed RoCoF protection devices that may still require change. The ESO will provide public reports that contain the data of large RoCoF events on the transmission network. Reactive technologies will use the RoCoF value and their inertia estimation to estimate the MW size of the event from which any secondary RoCoF trips can be identified using the MW size on the transmission level.Deliverables: Historic report reviewing previous 18 month period, quantifying the general location (DNO region) and residual size (MW estimate) of RoCoF trips as a result of large RoCoF events on the system.Ongoing quarterly report for a period of 24 months to assess large events and impact on regional RoCoF.WP2: Oscillation and harmonic monitoring and reportingOscillatory behaviour is becoming an increasing phenomenon on the GB transmission system. Identification and analysis of these phenomena will assist the ESO in assessing the stability and robustness of the network and help identify stability issues before they become significant.In line with WP1, this work package will deliver a monitoring service for specific oscillation events and provide a regular, ongoing report for a period of 24 months. Oscillation events will be selected based on damping ratio minima calculated from regional frequencies and from the RMS voltage of a single selected XMU from each region. Deliverables: Quarterly report for national and regional oscillatory behaviour seen in each region of the system. Top 40 events will be selected and analysed. Initial split proposed is half the events from Scotland and the other half from the rest of GB but this can be adjusted as required.Specific shorter-term turn around report for oscillation events identified by ESO (up to five events per quarter). This report will include frequency and time domain analysis of the dominant oscillation and the in-depth analysis linking the time of the event to the timing information of grid events shared by ESO.In line with the ENA"s ENIP document, the risk rating is scored Low.TRL Steps = 1 (2 TRL steps)Cost = 1 (£350k)Suppliers = 1 (1 supplier)Data Assumptions = 2Total = 5 (Low) This project will provide monitoring capabilities, observing two dynamic phenomena in the GB power system oscillatory behaviour and regional RoCoF trends. It will utilise data from high resolution XMU devices, combined with analytical capabilities to provide insights into the behaviour of the transmission system. It is a desktop study that will use data gathered from the XMU devices and historic events to provide insights into the two dynamic phenomena and will allow us to assess the effectiveness of XMU devices in monitoring system behaviour.  Potential benefits of this project will be determined by the insights gathered, however could include: Greater understanding of regional frequency variations, supporting future product developments or operating policies.Insights of actual vs. modelled Loss of Mains (LoM) risks could allow the ESO to reduce operational response and reserve holding (reducing consumer cost without increasing risk).Development of preventative strategies to mitigate system oscillations. WP2 will provide greater understanding of the GB power system and investigations into the root causes of oscillation events. Increased and timely insights will allow the ESO to identify any areas of the system at risk of instability issues, and the root cause of this. The primary objective of this project is to investigate whether the data insights available to the ESO through XMU devices can provide sufficient, detailed insight into how the GB transmission system is operating. It will enhance the situational awareness of the GB power system, complementing the insights that ESO has from existing PMUs. Evaluate whether high resolution XMU data can provide new insights into GB system operation that have previously been unavailable to the ESO.Assess if the resolution of the results is specific enough to allow the ESO to make changes to operational conditions (if deemed economic and/or relevant).Determine if data can be used to enhance the situational awareness currently provided by the SCADA system and PMUs to make more informed decisions to maintain the stability and reliability of the GB power system.
Abstract This project will provide monitoring capabilities, observing two dynamic phenomena in the GB power system oscillatory behaviour and regional Rates of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) trends. It will utilise data from high resolution eXtensible Measurement Unit (XMU) devices, combined with analytical capabilities to provide insights into the behaviour of the transmission system. It is a desktop study that will use data gathered from the XMU devices and historic events to provide insights into the two dynamic phenomena and will allow us to assess the effectiveness of XMU devices in monitoring system behaviour.

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Added to Database 02/10/24