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Reference Number NIA2_NGES042
Title Revamp Interconnector Ramping Arrangements (RIRA)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research (Energy Models) 30%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies (Electricity transmission and distribution) 30%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research (Energy Economics) 40%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Economics and Econometrics) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid plc
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 February 2023
End Date 30 April 2023
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £300,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid plc (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_NGES042
Objectives Through a phased approached a cost benefit analysis (CBA) review of possible solutions will be undertaken to identify a solution that delivers the most resilience to the network though security of supply and offers the most benefit to consumers through a reduction in balancing costs related to actions taken to ensure frequency issues do not arise. Proposed activitiesCreate a data driven report to present findings Conduct a CBA of potential solutions Suggest alternative approaches or solutions where appropriate and include CBAPhased approach of projectPhase 1: Initial review of data and optionsReview initial options and identify additional options producing a long list for further analysis and consideration.Available data to support the assessment will be identified (e.g. on control room event costs, cost of implementation of market reform options).Deliverables: A long list of options and key features, and draft methodology.Phase 2: Shortlisting of optionsDevelop a list of criteria to shortlist options consider market and non-market-based options. Score options against the evaluation criteria.Deliverables: Criteria and their definition, scores for each option, and recommended shortlist.Phase 3: Detailed analysis of shortlisted optionsGenerate results and draw on tools to estimate costs and benefits of the shortlisted options.Assess (qualitatively) the wider advantages, disadvantages, and risks of each option ensuring consideration of:1. Costs/impacts to Interconnectors What are the commercial advantages and disadvantages of the options to solve this for interconnectors and do these outweigh consumer benefit by not taking expensive balancing actions? How do changes to the GB and EU power prices impact changes to interconnector flows. What impact does this have on the market should the ramping arrangements be reduced? 2. Costs to consumers Consideration of the costs to consumers (based on the options listed in the table above, or any recommendation provided) to be presented in a report. What are the costs and benefits of these options to consumers, markets in GB and where possible, across the border, operational costs for the SO and the interconnectors- including any imbalance on settlement periods. Are there impacts to the BM and/or costs for procurement of additional reserve/response? 3. Impacts to the EU TSO Does a slower ramp rate cause issues to the connected TSO? Are there costs that could impact EU TSO/Consumers? Deliverables: Slide pack describing approach, assumptions, and resultsPhase 4: Report draftingFinalised report and findings presented to the ESO and the industry working group. The findings will be published and disseminated through the Smarter Networks Portal and included in industry workgroup papers on the ESO website.Deliverables: Final PowerPoint report In line with the ENA"s ENIP document, the risk rating is scored Low. TRL Steps = 1 (TRL change 1)Cost = 1 (£500k) Suppliers = 1 (1 Supplier) Data Assumptions = 1 Total = 4 (Low) The ESO seeks a CBA review of solutions which can fulfil the requirements of Ofgem"s decision letter and the obligations in Article 137 (3) (below). To do this, the ESO would like to understand which solution delivers the most resilience to the network though security of supply and offers the most benefit to consumers by a reduction in balancing costs related to actions taken to ensure frequency issues do not arise. "Article 137 (3). All connecting TSOs of an HVDC interconnector shallhave the right to determine in the LFC block operational agreement common restrictions for the active power output of that HVDC interconnector to limit its influence on the fulfilment of the FRCE target parameter of the connected LFC blocks by agreeing on ramping periods and/or maximum ramping rates for this HVDC interconnector. Those common restrictions shall not apply for imbalance netting, frequency coupling as well as cross-border activation of FRR and RR over HVDC interconnectors. All TSOs of the GB synchronous area shall coordinate these measures within the synchronous area." The CBA needs to ensure that the results consider how the solution/s impact the following from a compliance perspective in relation to SOGL Article 119 and 137 and operational challenges in the ENCC as a result of increased interconnection. Including the cost impacts on consumers as a result of balancing actions taken close to real time. It is expected that any modelling completed is done so based on the interconnectors that we have currently connected to the system and those which are due to connect up to 2025 (ESO net zero target) and 2050 GB net zero target so as to be forward looking. Complete a CBA and present a detailed report to outline the cost and benefits of solutions to satisfy drivers for change. This will provide the ESO with the recommendations to take to industry. Complete modelling of shortlisted options, including all relevant assumptions and criteria used for shortlisting the options, and produce a recommendation based on these outputs. Deliver a final report that presents a summary of the key findings and a recommendation to take forward.
Abstract National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) often encounters scenarios where cross-border markets react to the same price signals simultaneously, leading to rapid changes in interconnector (IC) flow and frequency deviations (potential swing to 12GW and a maximum ramp rate of 500MW/min when these interconnector ramp rates are combined). Multiple control room actions must be taken by the ESO to accommodate these large changes and managing them with a fixed ramp rate of 100MW/min is financially intensive. With IC capacity due to double by 2030, the ESO will need additional operational tools to ensure security of supply  This project will develop a cost benefit analysis (CBA) review of possible solutions to help solve this issue.

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