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Reference Number EP/Z002753/1
Title Synergizing Bio- and (electro)-chemical conversion for advanced BiO-alkanes production from biOwaSTes (BioBOOST)
Status Started
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency (Transport) 20%;
Renewable Energy Sources (Bio-Energy, Production of transport biofuels (incl. Production from wastes)) 80%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (Biological Sciences) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr X Tu
No email address given
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
University of Liverpool
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 02 October 2024
End Date 01 October 2026
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £206,086
Industrial Sectors
Region North West
Programme UKRI MSCA
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr X Tu , Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool (100.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The transportation sector represents a significant and rapidly expanding energy consumer, and it stands out as one of the most difficult sectors in decarbonization. Although promising projections suggest a rapid proliferation of low-power electric vehicles, the decarbonization of heavy-duty vehicles (ships, long-haul trucks, and aviation) remains challenging. A promising solution is to produce infrastructure-compatible advanced liquid biofuels (such as drop-in hydrocarbons with high energy density) through bio- and/or (electro)-chemical conversion technologies. Nonetheless, existing technologies present notable challenges: (1) biological conversionis susceptible to environmental variables, leading to a diverse array of by-products and low carbon utilization; (2) (electro)-chemical efficiency is compromised by inactive surface-catalyzed reactions; (3) sustainability of the integrated process can be uncertain due to the intricate nature of biowastes and the resulting products. The proposed two-year fellowship BioBOOST hosted in University of Liverpool aims to develop an innovative integrated system that produces advanced biofuels (liquid alkanes and green hydrogen) by combining the strength of bio- and (electro)-chemical conversion. BioBOOST will explore the conversion of biowastes to medium-chain carboxylic acids as the key biofuel/chemical. precursors by an intensified microbial fermentation process. Subsequently, the platform carboxylic acids will be valorized to liquid bio-alkanes via the sustainable Kolbe electrolysis. By harnessing the synergistic potential of bio- and (electro)-chemical conversion, BioBOOST enables the concurrent separation and valorization of platform intermediates. This, in turn, paves the way to produce advanced biofuels in a circular bioeconomy. The completion of research and training activities in BioBOOST will enhance the career prospects of the fellow and prepare the fellow as a prominent researcher in bioenergy field

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