Publisher: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Period: 01/01/1970 - 31/12/2049
Rights: Open Access
National and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food and farming. Environment statistics including air quality and emissions statistics, environmental protection expenditure survey, sustainable development indicators,digest of waste and resources statistics; Food statistics including food transport indicators; and Land management and environmental issues. Previous statistical releases are available on the NationalArchives.
Publisher: The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)
Period: 18/05/2015 - 30/11/2017
Rights: Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI TEAB)
Modelling of the costs, efficiencies and greenhouse gas emissions of biomass supply chains with and without significant pre-processing.
The TEAB project compares the costs, efficiencies and GHG emissions of biomass supply chains with and without significant pre-processing, to assess whether and how pre-processing steps can benefit UK bioenergy supply chains.
Ten supply chains were selected for modelling and analysis in the project, two of which generate heat, and eight generating power. These are compared in groups according to their shared conversion technology, and all the chains are able to use a blend of Miscanthus and woody feedstocks (from 0-100%).
Available here are gPROMS and Excel models describing bioenergy supply chains, and project reports. Further README files in the models and reports sub-directories describe the contents further.
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