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Low Carbon Contracts Company Data Portal

This resource links to an external website containing a dataset collection


The LCCC manages Contracts for Difference (CfD) and the Supplier Obligation Levy that supports low carbon electricity generation in the UK. The portal provides access to CfD, levy and capacity market data. The published datasets can be downloaded as CSV and JSON formats. The data portal also provides an API, allowing the data to be read programmatically. Users can follow a particular dataset, or a particular data publisher on the portal, so that when a particular dataset gets updated, the users will receive email notifications.


Low Carbon Contracts Company


Low Carbon Contracts Company


No DOI minted

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2023

Data Date Range:

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2023

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:

No unit numbers supplied

Unit Type:

No units supplied

Number of Records:

No records supplied


Capacity market forecast cost, market reference prices, capacity obligation, capacity payments, levy rates and payments, eligible demand, actual and forecast CfD generation, actual and forecast avoided greenhouse gas emissions, forecast and actual CfD payments, CfD contract portfolio status, CfD auction details, forecast strike prices, settlement costs levy, and operational costs levy.


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

Rights Overview:

The OGL permits anyone to copy, publish, distribute, transmit and adapt the licensed work, and to exploit it both commercially and non-commercially. In return, the re-user of the licensed work has to acknowledge the source of the work and (if possible) provide a link to the OGL.

Related Dataset(s):

No related datasets

Related Project(s):

No related projects

Related Publications(s):

No related publications