Model output from UK MARKAL Elastic Demand for all UKERC Energy 2050 project revised scenarios.
This consists of datasets as .xls files plus graphics summaries as PDFs Please acknowledge the UKERC Energy Systems Theme when making use of this data.
Reference this data source as: Keppo I Skea J. and Ekins P. 2013 UK Energy 2050 Revised Scenario Set Data UKERC Energy Data Centre
The revisions are described in UKERC_Energy_2050_RevisedScenarios.pdf
There is further information at ReadMe_2050Scenarios.htmll
The .xls files are in the Data subdirectory
UKERC University College London
UKERC Energy Systems Theme
No DOI minted
Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):
UKERC University College London (2000). UK Energy 2050 Revised Scenario Data [Data set]. UKERC Energy Systems Theme.
Energy Categories
Class Name:
Subclass Name:
Category Name:
Field Dates:
01/01/2000 - 31/12/2050
Data Date Range:
01/01/2000 - 31/12/2050
Data type:
Data format:
Number of Units:
Unit Type:
Number of Records:
20 XLS 20 PDFs
Primary Energy demand by fuel PJ
Final Energy demand by fuel PJ
Final Energy demand by sector PJ
Use of conservation PJ
Electricity generation mix PJ
Electricity generation by plant type PJ
Electricity storage PJ
Installed capacity by fuel GW
Installed capacity by plant type GW
Sectoral electricity demands PJ
Sectoral emissions Million t-CO2
Enduse sectoral emissions Million t-CO2
CO2 and system costs
Transport by vehicle type
Transport fuel demand PJ
Transport fuel demand by vehicle type PJ
Demand reductions
MED parameters B 2000
Bio-products in final energy PJ
CCS Million-t-CO2
Residential sector PJ
Residential energy demand by fuel PJ
Residential heating by fuel PJ
Residential CO2 Million t-CO2
Electricity from CHP PJ
Heat from DH and CHP PJ
Average ratio of electricity:heat
Distributed generation by grid PJ
Distributed generation by fuel type PJ
Service energy demand by fuel PJ
Service heating by fuel PJ
Bioproducts: Bio-diesel in transport sector PJ
Bioproducts: Ethanol/methanol in transport sector PJ
Bioproducts: Bio-kerosene in transport sector PJ
Bioproducts: Sources of biofuel in transport sector PJ
Biomass: Residential bio-products PJ
Biomass: Service sector bio-products PJ
Biomass: Industrial sector bio-products PJ
Hydrogen: Hydrogen production PJ of energy in H2
Industrial heat by fuel and heat type: Drying PJ
Industrial heat by fuel and heat type: High temperature heat PJ
Industrial heat by fuel and heat type: Low temperature heat PJ
Investment level by fuel GW
Primary fuels used in co-firing PJ
Open Access
Rights Overview:
This data may be freely used for any purpose
Further information:
Related Dataset(s):
Related Project(s):
No related projects
Related Publications(s):
No related publications
The Energy Data Centre works in collaboration with the CEDA Archive to provide this information