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Options for a Low Carbon Future: Review of Modelling Activities and an Update

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This report summarises the modelling work undertaken for the 2003 Energy White Paper using the MARKAL energy model. It describes the scenarios andsensitivities used in the modelling work. It concludes that there is a variety of carbon abatement options across the energy supply sector, in improving energy efficiency and across the transport sector. Total abatement costs are uncertain and vary considerably by scenario andsensitivity but are unlikely to have a significant impact on GDP growth.Innovation and technical progress are key elements in reducing the costs ofcarbon abatement. The report compares the costs from the MARKAL model with those from a range of other models. Most of the studies suggest GDP losses of under 3% in 2050. It looks at the different types of economic models used to analyse abatement costs and the reasons why they might produce varying cost estimates This is now archived.Leach, M, Anderson, D, Taylor, P, Marsh, G (2005). Options for a Low Carbon Future: Review of Modelling Activities and an Update. DTI Occasional Paper No 1, Department of Trade and Industry.


Department for Trade and Industry (DTI), now BEIS


UK National Archives


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Energy Categories

Field Dates:

01/01/2005 - 31/12/2049

Data Date Range:

01/01/2005 - 31/12/2049

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