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EPSRC Manifest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Efficiency Tests, The University of Sheffield


The data is from efficiency tests performed at The University of Sheffield, on a 1MWh/2MW lithium-titanate battery energy storage (BESS) by Toshiba SCiB Technology, within the EPSRC funded Multi-scale ANalysis for Facilities for Energy STorage (Manifest) Project EP/N032888/1. The system is connected directly to the grid through an 11kV feed, located at Willenhall Primary Substation. Interfacing to grid is achieved through a 2.2MVA ABB PCS100 inverter, and a 2.1MVA dry-type transformer with 1:30.55 ratio. This data was collected as part of an experiment within the MANIFEST project to study the efficiency of the Willenhall Energy Storage System, managed by The University of Sheffield.The EPSRC funded Multi-scale ANalysis for Facilities for Energy STorage (Manifest) Project (EP/N032888/1) aimed to study and investigate the capabilities of energy storage systems installed in UK Universities.The data presented here has contributed to the following publications:'Experimental Analysis of Efficiencies of a Large Scale Energy Storage System', S. Mori, M. J. Smith, D. T. Gladwin & D. A. Stone, 'Practical state estimation using Kalman filter methods for large-scale battery systems', Z. Wang, D. T. Gladwin, M. J. Smith, S. Haass (Under review)


Matthew Smith, University of Sheffield, UK


Matthew Smith, University of Sheffield, UK


No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

Matthew Smith, University of Sheffield, UK (2018). EPSRC Manifest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Efficiency Tests, The University of Sheffield [Data set]. Matthew Smith, University of Sheffield, UK. https://ukerc9.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=9f704344-9ffc-4428-ac96-02df1b0ab856

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

23/05/2018 - 07/06/2018

Data Date Range:

23/05/2018 - 07/06/2018

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:




Number of Units:


Unit Type:

Battery test facility

Number of Records:

623145 in 11 data files


ISO 8601 timestamp (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ss), Grid frequency (Hz), Real power (kW), Reactive power (kVAr), Battery State of Charge SoC (%), Battery DC voltage (V), Battery DC current (A), Average AC phase voltage (V), Average AC phase current (A), Battery ambient temperature (deg. C)