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Tidal Energy Site Environmental Conditions Measured During the ReDAPT Tidal Project 2011-2014

This resource links to a data we hold in our archive


Data arising from multiple measurement campaigns comprising primarily velocimetry conducted at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Tidal Test Site during the ReDAPT Tidal Project. Data arising from multiple measurement campaigns comprising primarily velocimetry conducted at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Tidal Test Site during the ReDAPT Tidal Project. These campaigns consisted of both stand-alone seabed mounted Acoustic Doppler Profiling and Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) mounted Acoustic Doppler Profiling. Multiple instrument configurations were used across multiple seasons between June 2011 and October 2014. The data was used for resource characterisation and the validation of multiple numerical modelling techniques used in the Tidal Industry. Data is provided in MATLAB v7.3 .mat files and has also been converted to NETCDF. There is a project www at http://www.eti.co.uk/programmes/marine/redapt. Further information is also available at http://redapt.eng.ed.ac.uk/index.php


The Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh


The IES, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh; Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)


No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

The Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh (2011). Tidal Energy Site Environmental Conditions Measured During the ReDAPT Tidal Project 2011-2014 [Data set]. The IES, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh; Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). https://ukerc9.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=94b5b361-12c0-44a3-bd33-5982dd6b5be5

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

23/06/2011 - 22/10/2014

Data Date Range:

23/06/2011 - 22/10/2014

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:


Unit Type:

m/s counts degrees m

Number of Records:



No parameters supplied


ReDAPT Marine

Rights Overview:

The Data is provided under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) It is additionally subject to the End-User Agreement and Disclaimer listed below. We recommend and welcome collaborating on data analysis and publications due to the complex nature of the dataset and the availability of updated, augmented and improved data sets. Please see https://redapt.eng.ed.ac.uk for further information.



Related Dataset(s):

No related datasets

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ReDAPT - DNV GL - The New Standard for Tidal Turbines - Presentation at OEE Dublin 2015

ReDAPT - Development of a CFD Model of the TGL Turbine at the EMEC Site - Presentation at OEE Dublin 2015

ReDAPT - Executive Summary MD1.1 Marine Current Turbine CFD Simulation Part 1

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ReDAPT - Modelling Sub Project and validation of engineering tools - Presentation at OEE Dublin 2015

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ReDAPT Project Dissemination Workshop OEE Conference - Dublin - Oct 2015

Reliable Data Acquisition Platform for Tidal (ReDAPT) project: Final Report ME8.5 Antifouling systems

The Energy Data Centre works in collaboration with the CEDA Archive to provide this information