Half-hourly electricity daily load profiles for standard UK profile class definitions (01 Domestic Unrestricted; 02 Domestic Economy 7; 03 Non-domestic Unrestricted; 04 Non-domestic Economy 7; 05 Non-domestic Maximum Demand 0-20% Load Factor; 06 Non-domestic Maximum Demand 20-30% Load Factor; 07 Non-domestic Maximum Demand 30-40% Load Factor; 08 Non-domestic Maximum Demand >40% Load Factor) for weekday (Wd), Saturday (Sat), and Sunday (Sun) at five different times of year (Autumn Aut, Winter Wtr, Spring Spr, High Summer HSr, Summer Smr) The year is broken down into the following seasons: (a) Spring: defined as the period from the day of clock change from GMT to BST in March, up to and including the Friday preceding the start of the summer period; (b) Summer: defined as the ten-week period, preceding High Summer, starting on the sixteenth Saturday before the August Bank Holiday; (c) High Summer: defined as the period of six weeks and two days from the sixth Saturday before August Bank Holiday up to and including the Sunday following August Bank Holiday; (d) Autumn: defined as the period from the Monday following the August Bank Holiday, up to and including the day preceding the clock change from BST to GMT in October; (e) Winter: defined as the period from the day of clock change from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in October, up to and including the day preceding the clock change from GMT to BST in March.
For creation and first use of the data see: Load Profiles and their use in Electricity Settlement (Load_Profiles.pdf)
Elexon Ltd
Electricity Association (supplied by Elexon Ltd)
No DOI minted
Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):
Elexon Ltd (1997). Electricity user load profiles by profile class [Data set]. Electricity Association (supplied by Elexon Ltd).
Energy Category
Field Dates:
01/01/1997 - 31/12/1997
Data Date Range:
01/01/1997 - 31/12/1997
Data type:
Time Series
Data format:
Number of Units:
Unit Type:
Profile Class
Number of Records:
Aut Wd = Autumn Weekday
Aut Sat = Autumn Saturday
Aut Sun = Autumn Sunday
Hsr Wd = High SUmmer Weekday
Hsr Sat = High SUmmer Saturday
Hsr Sun = High SUmmer SUnday
Smr Wd = Summer Weekday
Smr Sat = Summer Saturday
Smr Sun = Summer Sunday
Spr Wd = Sprint Weekday
Spr Sat = Spring Saturday
Spr Sun = Spring Sunday
Wtr Wd = Winter Weekday
Wtr Sat = Winter Saturday
Wtr Sun = Winter Sunday
Mean electricity power consumption (kW)
Open Access
Rights Overview:
This data may be freely used for any purpose
Further information:
Related Dataset(s):
No related datasets
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