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Fuel poverty statistics

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Statistics relating to the demographics of fuel poverty in England, where fuel poverty is defined by the Low Income / High Costs balance, which considers a household to be in fuel poverty if: (i) the household has required fuel costs above average (national median level) and (ii) was the household to spend that amount it would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line. The key drivers behind fuel poverty are:
The energy efficiency of the property (and therefore, the energy required to heat and power the home);
The cost of energy;
Household income.
Registration with the UK Data Archive is required before data can be accessed


UK Government


UK Government


No DOI minted

Field Dates:

01/01/2010 - 31/12/2049

Data Date Range:

01/01/2010 - 31/12/2049

Data type:


Data format:




Number of Units:

No unit numbers supplied

Unit Type:


Number of Records:

No records supplied


Number of households in fuel poverty / proportion of households in fuel poverty / aggregate fuel poverty gap / average fuel poverty gap by: tenure; housing sector (private/social); household composition; youngest person in household; oldest person in household; number of people in household; working status of household reference person; ethnic origin of household reference person; long term illness/disability; under-occupancy; vulnerability; tenure and whether the household contains someone classed as vulnerable; gas payment method; electricity payment method; After Housing Costs (AHC) equivalised income decile group; rurality; region; dwelling type; age of dwelling; SAP band; central heating and main fuel type; boiler type; wall insulation type; wall type and gas grid connection; CERT priority group eligibility; CERT super priority group eligibility; warm front eligibility (pre-April 2011 criteria); warm front eligibility (post-April 2011 criteria)


Licensed data (restrictions may apply)

Rights Overview:

Registration required (refer to end user license agreement for full conditions)

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