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UK Storage Appraisal Project

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The ETI-funded UKSAP (UK Storage Appraisal Project) provides a fully auditable and defensible overall estimate of UK CO2 storage capacity for CCS in offshore geological formations.

The whole UKSAP results have been made available in the CO2 Stored database.

Most storage reservoirs were modeled as simplified representative structures. Detailed reservoir simulation models known as Exemplar Models were created for two sites, Bunter and Forties. Both were modeled with proprietary geological simulation software Eclipse and Petrel and these models are made available here.


British Geological Survey, Durham University, Element Energy Ltd, GeoPressure Technology Ltd, Geospatial Research Ltd, Heriot-Watt University, Imperial College London, RPS Energy Ltd, Senergy Ltd and University of Edinburgh


The Energy Technologies Institute


No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

British Geological Survey, Durham University, Element Energy Ltd, GeoPressure Technology Ltd, Geospatial Research Ltd, Heriot-Watt University, Imperial College London, RPS Energy Ltd, Senergy Ltd and University of Edinburgh (2013). UK Storage Appraisal Project [Data set]. The Energy Technologies Institute. https://ukerc9.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=3ab8426f-432c-460e-98f2-42c90b374607

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

01/01/2013 - 31/12/2014

Data Date Range:

01/01/2013 - 31/12/2014

Data type:


Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:


Unit Type:

reservoir sites

Number of Records:



No parameters supplied


Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI UK SAP)

Rights Overview:

Use of these data indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the UK Storage Appraisal Project - ETI Open Licence for Materials. You must acknowledge the source of the data as indicated in the licence.

Related Dataset(s):

CO2 Stored Database

Related Publications(s):

2007 - 2017 - 10 years of innovation - Carbon Capture and Storage

ETI Insights Report - Building the UK carbon capture and storage sector by 2030 - scenarios and actions

ETI: Innovation Learnings - Carbon Capture and Storage

Infographic - Reducing the cost of CCS

Infographic - Taking Stock of UK CO2 Storage

Storage Appraisal – Project Insights

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A3.1 - Storage Unit Characterisation

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A4.1 - Pressure Buildup During CO2 Injection into a Closed Brine Aquifer

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A4.2 - Well Penetrations and Production in Oil and Gas Fields

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.1 - Summary of Dynamic Modelling Scoping Studies

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.3 - Representative Structure Modelling of Dipping Open Saline Aquifers

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.4 - Storage Capacity in Large Open Aquifers Examplar : Base Case Simulation and Sensitivities to Top Surface and Heterogeneity

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.5 - Representative Structure Modelling of Aquifers with Identified Structure

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.6 - Exemplar Modelling and Dynamic Simulation of Bunter Sandstone Formation Closures in the Southern North Sea

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.7 - Dynamic Modelling of Pressure Cells Using Representative Structures

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A5.8 - Interjectivity Related Geomechanical Modelling of Large Open Aquifers

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A6.1 - Security of Storage

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A6.2 - Security of Storage (Appendices)

Storage Appraisal - Appendix A8.1 - Technical Specification for the UKSAP WDG Application

Storage Appraisal - Executive Summary

Storage Appraisal - One Page Summary

Storage Appraisal - UK Storage Appraisal Project - Final Report

Storage Appraisal - United Kingdom CO2 Storage Capacity Appraisal - Request for Proposal

Storage Appraisal - User Guide for the Web-enabled Database and Geographical Information System

Storage Appraisal - WP5 - Web-enabled Database and GIS Specification

Storage Appraisal - WP9 Final Report - Business and Regulatory Models for offshore CO2transport and storage in the late 2020s and beyond

Storage Appraisal- Approach for Dynamic Modelling of CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers - Summary Report

Taking Stock of UK CO2 Storage

UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP) Database Analysis Project - Request for Proposal

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